
14.06.2024. Final Exam grades are posted in the portal. Solutions to the FE are here. A meeting on the FE results will be held 24.06.2024, 13.00-13.30, CMPE-219

30.05.2024. Final Exam 06.06.2024, 16.00, will be comprehensive covering all the semester material: before MT Exam subjects with 33% (1) Information Security Requirements; 2) Access control models; 3) RSA; 4) Ch. 3. DES; and 5) Digital Signature (p. 1-4, TLS and the next are not included).), and after MT Exam subjects with 67% (Digital Signature (p. 4-5, starting from TLS, proof of DSA correctness excluded), CertificatesSHA-512Authentication procedures (p. 1-6), AES Part 1 (p. 5-11), AES Part 2 (p. 2-4, 6-7), Network SecurityElliptic Curve Cryptography,  and Kerberos (p. 1-3)). You can use five A4-sized cheat sheets with ypur own handwritings for your help. Calculators are allowed. Telephones and other electronic devices are not allowed.

 24.04.2024. Lab 3 ARP is posted in Lab. Reporting due date is May 15, 2024

15.04.2024. Lab 2 DES reporting is shifted to April 24, 2024.

06.04.2024. MT Exam 04.04.2024 results are in the portal. Solutions to the exam are here. A meeting on the papers consideration will be arranged on Monday, 15.04.2024, 16.30-17.00, CMPE-219

21.03.2024. Lab 2 DES task is available in Labs. To be reported on April 17, 2024

20.03.2024. CMPE-455 MT Exam 04.04.2024, 14.30, will cover the following subjects: 1) Information Security Requirements; 2) Access control models; 3) RSA; 4) Ch. 3. DES; and 5) Digital Signature (p. 1-4, TLS and the next are not included). You can use three A4-sized cheat sheets with ypur own handwritings for your help. Calculators are allowed. Telephones and other electronic devices are not allowed.

14.03.2024. CMPE-455 Term Project Task (20 points) is available in Homeworks. To be reported 27.05.2024

05.03.2024. Lab 1 Access control task is available in Labs. To be reported 20.03.2024.