
15.04.2024. April 22, 2024, the next Monday, is the due for PPM report, An assignment for it is posted in Teams

03.04.2024. MT Exam 26.03.2024 grades are posted in the portal. Solutions are here. A meeting on the exam results will be arranged tomorrow, Thursday, 04.04.2024, 16.30-17.00, CMPE-219

16.03.2024. CMSE-201 MT Exam on March 26. 2024. 10.30, will cover the following subjects: 1) Ch 1 Introduction; 2) Ch2 SDLC models; 3) Ch3 Requirements Engineering; and 4) Ch 4 Project Management (slides 1-48). Three A4-sized cheat sheets with your own handwritings can be used in the exam for your help. Telephones, calculators, other electronic devices, materi;al transfer are not allowed. Good luck!

01.03.2024. Term Project Task is available in Homeworks. Three parts: 1) submit PPM report April 22, 2024; 2) defend SRS report May 6, 2024; 3) defend Final report May 27, 2024

28.02.2024. Dear Students, Labs start on March 4, 2024. You need deciding on your teams (3 or 4 people, not more). Teams will be arranged by Lab Assistants on Monday, March 4, 2024, according to your preferences if any. If no preferences, teams will be arrange from the list of students