Keywords: Discrete Geometry, Computer Graphics, Digital Image Processing, Combinatorics : digital (path-based) distance functions on various grids, neighborhood sequences, digital circles, digital discs, discrete tomography, distance transform, weighted distances, triangular grid, face-centered cubic grid, body-centered cubic grid, diamond grid, nD grids
The geometry of digital world (e.g., digital pictures, screens) differs from the Euclidean geometry: there are neighbor points (there are points without points between them), the number of points with a given Euclidean distance r is finite and usually not connected, there could be lines “crossing each other" without common point (such as the two diagonals of a chess board)… Therefore the digital geometry is needed. Based on the various neighborhood structures of various grids digital, i.e., path-based distance functions are defined and they can be used in various (digital) fields…
There is also a strong argument to use various (non-standard) grids in applications: With higher precision in image acquisition equipment, the amount of data that is used when processing these images is increasing. By using optimal sampling grids, in 3D, almost 30% fewer samples are needed to get the same representation/reconstruction quality; and as the images are computed, rather than captured directly, there is no special reason to use the standard cubic grid.
Group members, research partners:
Szabolcs Baják (University of Debrecen)
Krisztina Barczi (University of Debrecen)
Gunilla Borgefors (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
Lidija Comic (University of Novi Sad, Serbia)
János Farkas (ATOMKI, Debrecen, Hungary)
Tibor Lukic (University of Novi Sad, Serbia)
Gergely Kovács (Edutus College, Hungary) Elisa Moisi (University of Oradea, Romania)
Robin Strand (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Béla Vizvári (Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus)
Coordinate systems, Descriptions and connections of various grids. Tolological (cobinatorial) coordinate systems.
Based on an effective coordinate system for the triangular grid, e.g., [ic10], it can be handled as easily, as the square grid by the Cartesian frame, isometric transformations of the grid is also presented [ic17,ic38]. In [ij67] a topological coordinate system is presented for the triangular grid addressing not only the grid-triangles (pixels), but the edges and nodes between them. In [ic6,ij8] various (nD) grids are decribed by n+1 coordinate value. A nice further extension of this work can be found in [ij38,ij39]. A summary on coordinate systems for some non-traditional grids [ic75].
Topological (or combinatorial) coordinate systems for 3D grids are able to address not only the voxels, but also lower dimensional parts of the grids. Various coordinate systems are introduced for varoius non-traditional 3D grids in [ic71,ij83,ij93,ij95,ij96].
Research papers:
- (ij96) L. Comic, B. Nagy: A combinatorial coordinate system for the body-centered cubic grid, Graphical Models 87 (2016), 11-22.
- (ij95) L. Comic, B. Nagy: A topological coordinate system for the diamond cubic grid, Acta Crystallographica, Section A: Foundations and Advances, A72/5 (2016), 570-581.
- (ij93) L. Comic, B. Nagy: A topological 4-coordinate system for the face centered cubic grid, Pattern Recognition Letters - PRL 83 (2016), 67–74.
- (ij83) Lidija Comic, Benedek Nagy: A Combinatorial 4-Coordinate System for the Diamond Grid, ISMM 2015, LNCS 9082 (2015), 585–596.
- (ij67) Cellular Topology on the Triangular Grid, IWCIA 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS 7655, (2012), 143–153.
- (ij39) Non-traditional grids embedded in Zn, International Journal of Shape Modeling - IJSM (World Scientific) 14/2 (2008), 209-228. (co-author: R. Strand)
- (ij38) A connection between Zn and generalized triangular grids, ISVC 2008, 4th International Symposium on Visual Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS 5359 (2008), 1157-1166. (co-author: R. Strand)
- (ij8) Generalized triangular grids in digital geometry, Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis 20 (2004), 63-78.
- (ic75) Lidija Comic, Benedek Nagy: Coordinate systems on 2D and 3D grids, META 2016: The First Conference on Mathematics in Engineering: Theory and Applications, Novi Sad, Serbia, (2016), 127-133.
- (ic71) Lidija Comic, Benedek Nagy: A Combinatorial 3-Coordinate System for the Face Centered Cubic Grid, ISPA 2015: 9th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, Zagreb, Croatia, 298-303. (IEEE)
- (ic6) A Family of Triangular Grids in Digital Geometry (2003), ISPA'03, 3rd International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, Rome, Italy, 101-106.
- (ic38) Isometric transformations of the dual of the hexagonal lattice, ISPA 2009, Salzburg, Austria, 432-437.
- (ic17) Transformations of the triangular grid (2005), GRAFGEO, Third Hungarian Conference on Computer Graphics and Geometry, Budapest, Hungary, 155-162.
- (ic10) A symmetric coordinate frame for hexagonal networks (2004), IS-TCS'04, Theoretical Computer Science - Information Society, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 193-196.
Distances based on neighborhood sequences on 2D grids.
In computers the discrete plane/space is used since this world is digital. The discrete space is usually defined by a grid. There are three regular grids in two dimensions: the square grid, the hexagonal grid and the triangular grid. The square grid is the most used due to the simplicity of the Cartesian coordinate frame. There are two types of neighbors defined naturally: the city-block and the chessboard neighborhoods. The hexagonal grid (hexagonal tiling) is the simplest one, since there is only one natural neighborhood among the hexagons of the grid. The triangular grid is a little bit sophisticated (there are three types of natural neighborhoods), however it has some nice and interesting properties. In the digital space the usage of the usual (Euclidean) distance may lead to some strange phenomena. Instead, path-based, so-called digital distances can be used based on the neighborhood structure of the grid. Digital distances are frequently used in computerized applications of geometry, e.g., in image processing, in computer graphics. There are two main approaches to define digital distances: distances based on neighborhood sequences in which the used types of neighbors is varied along a path; and weighted (chamfer) distances, where various types of steps have various weights (lengths). One may also mix these two features obtaining weighted neighbourhood sequence distance [ic50]. Based on an effective coordinate system for the triangular grid, it can be handled as easily, as the square grid by the Cartesian frame. Definitions of digital distances (neighborhood sequences), paths and distances, some important results about them is given: a greedy algorithms that provides a shortest path [ic3,ij2], formula to compute the distance from a point to another point defined by a given neighborhood sequence [ij10,ij28]. Interesting properties of these distances, such as non-metrical distances are shown (triangular inequality and symmetry may be violated) [ij1,ic11,ij12,ij30]. A necessary and sufficient condition to define metrical distances is proved [ij1,ij3]. Some details on digital circles [hc1,ij9,ij24] based on these distances are also presented such as approximations of the Euclidean distance [ij26,ic31,ij50]. Applications, e.g., distance maps [ij25], discrete tomography [ic49] can also be found.
Research papers:
- (ij25) Generating Distance Maps with Neighbourhood Sequences, DGCI 2006, Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, Szeged, Hungary, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 4245, 295-307. (co-authors: R. Strand, C. Fouard, G. Borgefors)
- (ic49) with E. Moisi: Discrete Tomography on the Triangular Grid: a Memetic Approach, 7th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2011), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 579-584.
- (bc5) Distances Based on Neighborhood Sequences in the Triangular Grid, Computational Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, Nova Science Publishers (2011), 313-351.
- (ic32) Theory of Neighborhood Sequences on Hexagonal Grids (2007), ISPA 2007, 5th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, Istanbul, Turkey, 391-396.
- (hc6) Szomszédsági szekvenciák a háromszögrácson (2004), NJSZT-KÉPAF, 4th Hungarian Conference on Image Processing, Miskolc, 197-205.
- (ij50) Approximating Euclidean circles by neighbourhood sequences in a hexagonal grid, Theoretical Computer Science - TCS 412 (2011), 1364-1377. (co-author: R. Strand)
- (ic31) Optimal Neighborhood Sequences on the Hexagonal Grid (2007), ISPA 2007, 5th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, Istanbul, Turkey, 310-315.
- (ij24) Geometry of neighborhood sequences in hexagonal grid, DGCI 2006, Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, Szeged, Hungary, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 4245, 53-64.
- (ij9) Characterization of digital circles in triangular grid, Pattern Recognition Letters 25/11 (2004), 1231-1242.
- (ij30) Nonmetrical Distances on the Hexagonal Grid Using Neighborhood Sequences, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 17 (2007), 183-190.
- (ij12) Metrical and Nonmetrical Distances on the Hexagonal Plane, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 15/1 (2005), 268-271.
- (ic11) Non-metrical distances on the hexagonal plane (2004), PRIA-7-2004, 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: New Information Technologies, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 335-338.
- (ij1) Metrics based on neighbourhood sequences in triangular grids, Pure Mathematics and Applications - PU.M.A. 13 (2002), 259-274.
- (ij28) Distances with Neighbourhood Sequences in Cubic and Triangular Grids, Pattern Recognition Letters 28 (2007), 99-109.
- (ij10) Calculating Distance with Neighborhood Sequences in the Hexagonal Grid (2004), IWCIA 2004, Tenth International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, Auckland, New Zealand, 98-109. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3322, eds.: R. Klette and J. Zunic)
- (ij2) Shortest Path in Triangular Grids with Neighbourhood Sequences, Journal of Computing and Information Technology - CIT 11 (2003), 111-122.
- (ic3) Finding Shortest Path with Neighborhood Sequences in Triangular Grids (2001), ITI-ISPA 2001, 2nd IEEE R8-EURASIP International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, Pula, Croatia, 55-60.
- (ij13) A Comparison among Distances Based on Neighborhood Sequences in Regular Grids, SCIA 2005, 14th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Joensuu, Finnland, 1027-1036. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3540)
- (hc10) Digital geometry of various grids based on neighbourhood structures, KEPAF 2007, 6th Conference of Hungarian Association for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Debrecen, Hungary, 46-53.
- (hc1) with András Hajdu, Approximating the Euclidean circle using neighbourhood sequences (in English, 2002), NJSZT-KÉPAF, 3rd Hungarian Conference on Image Processing, Domaszék, 260-271.
- (ij8) Generalized triangular grids in digital geometry, Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis 20 (2004), 63-78.
- (ic6) A Family of Triangular Grids in Digital Geometry (2003), ISPA'03, 3rd International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, Rome, Italy, 101-106.
- (ic38) Isometric transformations of the dual of the hexagonal lattice, ISPA 2009, Salzburg, Austria, 432-437.
- (ic17) Transformations of the triangular grid (2005), GRAFGEO, Third Hungarian Conference on Computer Graphics and Geometry, Budapest, Hungary, 155-162.
- (ic10) A symmetric coordinate frame for hexagonal networks (2004), IS-TCS'04, Theoretical Computer Science - Information Society, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 193-196.
- (ic50) with R. Strand: A weighted neighbourhood sequence distance function with three local steps, 7th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2011), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 564-568.
- (ij26) Notes on approximating the Euclidean circle in square grids, Pure Mathematics and Applications - PU.M.A. 17 (2006), 309-322. (co-authors: J. Farkas and Sz. Baják)
- (ij3) Distance functions based on neighbourhood sequences, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 63/3 (2003), 483-493.
Distances based on (weighted) neighbourhood sequences on 3D grids.
Digital geometry can be based on various grids in 3D. Various digital distance functions are defined and analysed on the cubic [ij3,ij28], face-centered cubic, body-centered cubic [ij18,ij29,ij36,ij37], honeycomb [ic42], and diamond grids [bc2,ij40,ij44] based on their neighborhood structures, i.e., (weighted) neighborhood sequences. The parameters that minimize an error function that favors distance functions with low rotational dependency is also given in [ij51]. We also give algorithms for computing the distance transform—the tool by which these distance functions can be applied in image processing applications. Indexing and segmentation of images using digital distances can be found in [ic7,ij11]. A relation of the cubic and triangular grids is shown in [ic6,ij8].
Research papers:
- (ij51) Digital Distance Functions on Three-Dimensional Grids, Theoretical Computer Science - TCS 412 (2011), 1350-1363. (co-authors: R. Strand, G. Borgefors)
- (ic42) with R. Strand: Digital Distance Functions on a Honeycomb Point Lattice, WADGMM 2010 - Workshop on Applications of Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology (a workshop of the 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2010)), Istanbul, Turkey, 17-21.
- (ij25) Generating Distance Maps with Neighbourhood Sequences, DGCI 2006, Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, Szeged, Hungary, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 4245, 295-307. (co-authors: R. Strand, C. Fouard, G. Borgefors)
- (ij37) Weighted Neighbourhood Sequences in Non-Standard Three-Dimensional Grids - Metricity and Algorithms, Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery - DGCI 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS 4992 (2008), 201-212. (co-author: R. Strand)
- (ij36) Weighted Neighbourhood Sequences in Non-Standard Three-Dimensional Grids - Parameter Optimization, Combinatorial Image Analysis - IWCIA 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS 4958 (2008), 51-62. (co-author: R. Strand)
- (ij29) Distances Based on Neighbourhood Sequences in Non-Standard Three-Dimensional Grids, Discrete Applied Mathematics - DAM 155/4 (2007), 548-557. (co-author: R. Strand)
Top 25 Hottest Articles in Discrete Applied Mathematics January-March 2007 - (ij18) Approximating Euclidean Distance Using Distances based on Neighbourhood Sequences in Non-Standard Three-Dimensional Grids, IWCIA 2006, 11th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, Berlin, Germany, 89-100. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 4040, co-author: R. Strand)
- (ij44) Neighborhood Sequences in the Diamond Grid - Algorithms with Four Neighbors, IWCIA 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS 5852 (2009), 111-123. (co-author: R. Strand)
- (ij40) Neighborhood Sequences in the Diamond Grid: Algorithms with Two and Three Neighbors, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology - IJIST (Wiley) 19/2 (2009), 146-157. (co-author: R. Strand)
- (bc1) with Robin Strand: Neighborhood Sequences in the Diamond Grid, in: (editors: Reneta P. Barneva, Valentin E. Brimkov) Image Analysis - From Theory to Applications, Research Publishing, Singapore, Chennai (2008), 187-195.
- (ij11) Choosing appropriate distance measurment in digital image segmentation, Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Sectio Computatorica (Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Sect. Comput.) 24 (2004), 193-208. (co-authors: A. Hajdu, J. Kormos and Z. Zörgő)
- (ic7) with András Hajdu and Zoltán Zörgõ, Indexing and segmenting colour images using neighbourhood sequences (2003), ICIP'03, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Barcelona, Spain, I-957-960.
- (ij28) Distances with Neighbourhood Sequences in Cubic and Triangular Grids, Pattern Recognition Letters 28 (2007), 99-109.
- (ij8) Generalized triangular grids in digital geometry, Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis 20 (2004), 63-78.
- (ic6) A Family of Triangular Grids in Digital Geometry (2003), ISPA'03, 3rd International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, Rome, Italy, 101-106.
- (ij3) Distance functions based on neighbourhood sequences, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 63/3 (2003), 483-493.
Digital distances on higher dimension, nD grids framework, connections of various grids, distances of sets (languages).
A nice description of various nD grids and connection among them can be found in [ij8,ij38,ij39].
Distances based on neighborhood sequences on nD (hyper)cubic grid are analysed in [ic2,ic16,ij3,ij35]: greedy algorithm for shortest path, if and only if condition for metricity, formula for computing distance.
Digital distances, i.e., (weighted) neighborhood sequences are analysed in nD face-centered and body-centered cubic grids in [ij41,ij45].
Various distance measures of sets (languages) are introduced in [ij27].
Research papers:
- (ij45) Neighborhood Sequences on nD Hexagonal/Face-Centered-Cubic Grids, IWCIA 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS 5852 (2009), 98-110. (co-author: R. Strand)
- (ij41) Path-Based Distance Functions in n-Dimensional Generalizations of the Face- and Body-Centered Cubic Grids, Discrete Applied Mathematics - DAM (Elsevier) 157/16 (2009), 3386-3400. (co-author: R. Strand)
Top 25 Hottest Articles in Discrete Applied Mathematics July-September 2009 - (ij39) Non-traditional grids embedded in Zn, International Journal of Shape Modeling - IJSM (World Scientific) 14/2 (2008), 209-228. (co-author: R. Strand)
- (ij38) A connection between Zn and generalized triangular grids, ISVC 2008, 4th International Symposium on Visual Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS 5359 (2008), 1157-1166. (co-author: R. Strand)
- (ij8) Generalized triangular grids in digital geometry, Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis 20 (2004), 63-78.
- (ij35) Distance with Generalised Neighbourhood Sequences in nD and ∞D, Discrete Applied Mathematics - DAM 156 (2008), 2344–2351.
- (ij3) Distance functions based on neighbourhood sequences, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 63/3 (2003), 483-493.
- (ic16) Metric and non-metric distances on Zn by generalized neighbourhood sequences (2005), ISPA 2005, 4th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, Zagreb, Croatia, 215-220.
- (ic2) Distance functions based on generalized neighbourhood sequences in finite and infinite dimensional space (2001), ICAI'01, 5th International Conference on Applied Informatics, Eger, Hungary, 183-190.
- (ha2) Általános szomszédsági sorozatokon alapuló távolságmérés véges és végtelen dimenziós digitális térben (2000), PhD conference in Mathematics, Budapest
- (ij27) On Distances of Languages, Pure Mathematics and Applications - PU.M.A. 17 (2006), 349-357. (co-author: M. Kudlek)
Digital polygons, digital circles, dicsc.
The digital representation of a disc depends on the respective position of the object and the grid. An algorithm is presented which results all possible digital images of Euclidean discs [ij14].
Digital objects, such as digital circles can be defined by digital distances [ic23,ij9].
Euclidean circles/discs are approximated by digital circles/discs based on digital distances on the square [ij26], the hexagonal and the triangular grids [hc1,ij3].
Another way is to define digital objects by having a characterisitic property of the Euclidean objects. Since Euclidean circles have the smallest perimeter of all objects having a given area and they have the maximal area among the objects having the same perimeter. In the triangular grid, defining the perimeter of an object by the number of (1- and 3-) neighbour grid-triangles on the boundary, it is proved that in both cases special hexagons are Pareto optimal, i.e., they fulfill both versions of the isoperimetric inequality: they have maximal area among objects that have at most the same perimeter; and they have minimal perimeter among objects that have at least the same area in [ij53,ij68].
Research papers:
- (ij68) Isoperimetrically Optimal Polygons in the Triangular Grid with Jordan-type Neighbourhood on the Boundary, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, accepted for publication (co-author: K. Barczi)
- (ij53) Isoperimetrically optimal Polygons in the Triangular Grid, IWCIA 2011, LNCS 6636 (2011), 194-207. (co-author: K. Barczi)
- (ic23) with Ágota Orosz, Simple digital objects on Z2 (2007), ICAI 2007, 7th International Conference on Applied Informatics, Eger, Hungary, volume I. 139-146.
- (ij26) Notes on approximating the Euclidean circle in square grids, Pure Mathematics and Applications - PU.M.A. 17 (2006), 309-322. (co-authors: J. Farkas and Sz. Baják)
- (ij50) Approximating Euclidean circles by neighbourhood sequences in a hexagonal grid, Theoretical Computer Science - TCS 412 (2011), 1364-1377. (co-author: R. Strand)
- (ij9) Characterization of digital circles in triangular grid, Pattern Recognition Letters 25/11 (2004), 1231-1242.
- (hc1) with András Hajdu, Approximating the Euclidean circle using neighbourhood sequences (in English, 2002), NJSZT-KÉPAF, 3rd Hungarian Conference on Image Processing, Domaszék, 260-271.
- (ij14) An algorithm to find the number of the digitizations of discs with a fixed radius, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 20 (2005), 607-622.
Discrete tomography, digitization.
The task of discrete tomography to find the (digitized) object from its projected values. A genetic approach is presented in the triangular grid using three directions of projections in [ic49]. Another evolutionary algorithm [ic55] and simulated annealing with three and six projections [ij66] can also effectively be used [hc14].
A kind of inverse problem is to find all discrete versions of an Euclidean object: An Euclidean object can be digitized in various ways. The digital representation of a disc depends on the respective position of the object and the grid. An algorithm is presented which results all possible digital images of Euclidean discs [ij14].
- (hc14) with T. Lukic and E. Moisi, Diszkrét tomográfia a háromszögrácson természet-motiválta algoritmusokkal (Soft computing methods for discrete tomography on the triangular grid), KÉPAF 2013, Bakonybél, 450-463.
- (ij66) Energy-Minimization Based Discrete Tomography Reconstruction Method for Images on Triangular Grid, IWCIA 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS 7655, (2012), 274-284. (co-author: T. Lukic)
- (ic55) Reconstruction of Binary Images Represented on Equilateral Triangular Grid Using Evolutionary Algorithms, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing - AISC 195 (Springer): Soft Computing Applications (2012), 561-571. (co-authors: E. V. Moisi, V. I. Cretu)
- (ic49) with E. Moisi: Discrete Tomography on the Triangular Grid: a Memetic Approach, 7th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2011), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 579-584.
- (ij14) An algorithm to find the number of the digitizations of discs with a fixed radius, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 20 (2005), 607-622.
A pattern is a finite string of constant and variable symbols. The language generated by a pattern is the set of all strings of constant symbols which can be obtained from the pattern by substituting (non-empty) strings for variables. There are erasing and non-erasing patterns are used. For non-erasing pattern languages the equivalence of languages is decidable but the inclusion problem for them is undecidable. In extended regular expressions one can use union, concatenation and Kleene star to make more complex patterns. It is also known, that the equivalence problem of extended regular expressions is undecidable. However, the problem, whether the equivalence is decidable for patterns using only concatenation and star was open. There are some interesting results about inclusion properties and equivalences of some kinds of erasing and non-erasing pattern languages [ij15]. It was shown that the equivalence problem of non-erasing patterns in some cases can be reduced to the decidability problem of some very special inclusion properties.
Primitive words are analysed from the point of view of their scattered subwords [ij15]. The language of primitive words is the language of the words that are not proper powers of another word. We take a look at the Parikh-vectors of these words, that is, we consider the commutative closure of languages formed by primitive words. After first looking at the shortest (one letter) subwords we move on towards giving necessary conditions for a word to be non-primitive in terms of scattered subword multiplicity. Furthermore, we prove that knowing the multiplicity of every word in a fixed set of words as scattered subwords in some word is not enough to decide whether it is primitive or not.
Research papers:
- (ij15) On the language equivalence of NE star-patterns, Information Processing Letters 95 (2005), 396-400.
- (ij34) Scattered subword complexity of non-primitive words, Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics - JALC 13 (2008) 3/4, 233-247. (co-author: Sz. Fazekas)
(Hyper)Graph Generation.
Contextual hypergraph grammars are introduced as generalization of total contextual string grammars. We study the position of the class of languages generated by contextual hypergraph grammars in comparison with graph languages generated by hyperedge replacement grammars and double-pushout hypergraph grammars. Moreover, several examples show the potential of the new class of grammars. Various trees are computed and self-assembly is modelled in this framework.
Research papers:
- (ij19) Contextual Hypergraph Grammars - A New Approach to the Generation of Hypergraph Languages, DLT 2006, Tenth International Conference DEVELOPMENTS IN LANGUAGE THEORY, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 327-338. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 4036, co-authors: A.-H. Dediu, R. Klempien-Hinrichs and H.-J. Kreowski)
- (ic29) with Adrian-Horia Dediu, Self-assembling tilings of Boolean tree-like circuits modelled by contextual hypergraph grammars (2007), NSIP2007, IEEE International Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, Bucharest, Romania, 150-153.
- (ic27) with Adrian-Horia Dediu, Computing Trees with Contextual Hypergraph Grammars (2007), ForLing2007-FCT2007, International Workshop on NON-CLASSICAL FORMAL LANGUAGES IN LINGUISTICS, Budapest, Hungary, 39-53.
A very brief summary of the above results were presented in
- (hc13) Digitális geometria Debrecenben: távolságfüggvények és képfeldolgozás különbözõ rácsokon (Digital Geometry in Debrecen: Distance Functions and Image Processing on Various Grids), IF 2011, Informatika a Felsõoktatásban 2011, (Informatics in Higher Education), Debrecen, 428-434.
Selected research grants:
- Domus Hungarica Grant (2012) for Tibor Lukic to do common research in Debrecen (supervisor: Benedek Nagy)
- DIGAVIP 2007-08
- OTKA 2003-2006
- Benedek Nagy
- E-mail: nbenedek (dot) inf (at) gmail
If you have any problem with downloading any of these papers please email me for a copy.