Master Students

  1. MS. Std. Hasan Karataş, “Brain Tumor Detection on X-Ray and MRI Images Using Fusion of Hybrid Learning Methods", Computer Engineering, Graduate School and Research Institute, Tezli Yüksek Lisans, Eylül 2023, Gazimağusa, KKTC.
  2. MS. Std. Soona Ahmed Abdullah, " Deep Learning-Based Recommendation System for Breast Cancer Diagnosis", Computer Engineering, M.Sc. and Research Institute, M.Sc. with Thesis, September 2020, Famagusta, TRNC.
  3. MS. Std. Hiba Jlilati, "Semantic Based Database Schema Matching", Computer Engineering, M.Sc. and Research Institute, M.Sc. with Thesis, June 2020, Famagusta, TRNC.
  4. MS. Std. Özgün Taçyıldız, A mobile-base Expert System to Obesity Tracking (MESOT) during Childhood and Adolescence", Computer Engineering, M.Sc. and Research Institute, M.Sc. with Thesis, March 2020, Famagusta, TRNC.
  5. MS. Std. Maha Sailan, Automated Database Schema Matching Engine, Computer Engineering, M.Sc. and Research Institute, M.Sc. with Thesis, March 2020, Famagusta, TRNC.
  6. MS. Std. Aidin Bazarchi, Recommendation Mobile Platform for Disorder Patients, Eastern Mediterranean University, Computer Engineering, M.Sc. and Research Institute, M.Sc. with Thesis, January 2019, Famagusta, TRNC
  7. MS. Std. Moslem RafieiPour, Analyzing Current Fetus Risk Conditions Through Fetal Heart Rate (FHR) and Uterine Constructions (UC) Values By Using Machine Learning Algorithms, Eastern Mediterranean University, Computer Engineering, M.Sc. and Research Institute, M.Sc. with Thesis, January 2019, Famagusta, TRNC, Analyzing Current Fetus Risk Conditions Through Fetal Heart Rate (FHR) and Uterine Constructions (UC) Values by Using Machine Learning Algorithms (Master's thesis, Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU).
  8. MS. Std. Mohammad Ali Haji Hasan Khonsari, Buzz Prediction in Social Media via Random Forest Approach, Eastern Mediterranean University, Computer Engineering, M.Sc. and Research Institute, M.Sc. with Thesis, January 2019, Famagusta, TRNC.
  9. MS. Std. Basma Anber, Diagnosing Diabetic Retinopathy from Colored Fundus Images, Eastern Mediterranean University, Computer Engineering, Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, MS With Thesis, September 2017, Gazimağusa, North Cyprus
  10. MS. Std. Mehmet Uğur Yüksel, Development of Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring System (FKHMS) and Mobile Integrated Doppler (M-Doppler) Device, Department of Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering Program, Istanbul Aydın University, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, MS With Thesis, July 2017, Istanbul, Turkey.
  11. MS. Std. Pelin Hürcan Alpay, Mobile pediatric pre-examination and monitoring system, Department of Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering Program, Istanbul Aydın University, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, MS With Thesis, July 2017, Istanbul, Turkey.
  12. MS. Std. Mehmet Akif ÇİFÇİ, A Search Service for Food-Based Mobile Applications Through Hadoop and Map Reduce Technology, Istanbul Aydın University, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering Program, MS With Thesis, 26 July 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.
  13. MS. Std. Özlem DEMİRAL, Designing a Web Portal for the Education of Children with Autism, Istanbul Aydın University, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering Program, MS With Thesis, 26 July 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.
  14. MS. Std. Necati İNAN, Ontology-Based Educational Activity Discovery System for Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders (Non-Thesis Master's Degree), Istanbul Aydın University, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Computer Engineering, Information Supported Instructional Technologies, Master Without Thesis, 28 June 2012, Istanbul , Turkey.
  15. MS.Std. Akın Eray ELVERİCİ, Agent-Based Educational Activity Discovery System for Children with Asperger's Syndrome with Semantic Web Approach Ontology Knowledge Base (Non-Thesis Master's Degree), Istanbul Aydın University, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Computer Engineering, Information Supported Instructional Technologies, Master Without Thesis, 28 June 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.