Weekly Schedule / Summary of Topics |
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Week 1 |
Introduction to JavaScript :What is JavaScript? Why Choose JavaScript? Tools needed to create JavaScript Web Applications. First Simple JavaScript Programs
Data Types and Variables :Types of data in JavaScript, Numerical Calculations, operator precedence, basic string operations, data type conversions, arrays and multi-dimensional arrays |
Week 2-3 |
Decisions Loops and Functions : Comparison operators, logical operators, if, if-else and switch statements, For, for..in, while, do..while loops break and continue statements, Creating functions, variable scope and lifetime
Error Handling & Debugging : Common mistakes, try..catch statements, debugging in Internet Explorer |
Week 4-5 |
Object-Based Programming in JavaScript What are objects, Objects in JavaScript, Using JavaScript Objects, JavaScript's Native Objects: String, array, math, number, date, Creating new types of objects(Reference types) |
Week 6 |
Programming the Browser: Browser's objects: window, history, location, navigation, screen, and document objects. Responding to the user's actions with events. |
Week 7 |
HTML Forms: Interacting with the User :HTML elements in forms, their common properties and methods: Button, text, textarea, check boxes, radio buttons and selection boxes |
Week 8-9 |
Midterm Examinations |
Week 10 |
HTML Forms: Interacting with the User :HTML elements in forms, their common properties and methods: Button, text, textarea, check boxes, radio buttons and selection boxes cntd. |
Week 11 |
Controlling iFrames: Coding between frames, accessing between frames, opening a new browser window, scripting between windows, moving and resizing windows. |
Week 12 |
String Manipulation: Regular expressions and RegExp object, methods like split, replace, search and match. |
Week 13 |
Date, Time and Timers : Setting and getting a Date Object's UTC Date and Time. Timers in a web page.
Cookies in JavaScript : Creating a cookie, getting a cookie's value, cookie limitations |
Week 14 |
Document Object Model (DOM) and Its manipulation :Core DOM objects, accessing elements, changing appearances, positioning and moving content, DOM event handling |
Week 15 |
JQuery: Adding a framework (JQuery) to the pages, adding plug-ins to a framework, creating appending and removing elements, JQuery's event model and handling events , applying/changing CSS classes |
Week 16-18 |
Final Examinations |