Welcome to CMPE312 - Software Engineering Spring semester 2022/2023
Important Dates
Intermediate Report Presentation: May 18, 2023
Final Project Presentation: June 08, 2023
Topic: Student Registration System
Aim: The aim of this project is to expose students to the habits of proper requirement engineering, system modeling, and project development.
In order to encourage teamwork and prepare students to work on big projects that may involve several developers and teams, the project will be implemented by a team of 5-7 students.
Requirements: The system should have the following features (but not limited to them):
- Course registration ability to students and advisors
- Registration confirmation ability to advisors
- Student academic record view to students and advisors
- A list of available courses to choose from during registration
- Restrictions for courses with prerequisites
- Restriction for failed courses (course must be taken if available)
- Restriction for number of courses that can be taken
- Clash indication system, to show whenever a student has more than one course at the same time
- Classroom timetable view for advisors (showing a schedule of courses scheduled for a room per week)
- Student timetable view for students and advisors; showing courses chosen, period of class and the classrooms.
The report and presentation will be in three stages as described in the course outline. Please use provided templates for yor report. Due dates are on the course outline, mark will be deducted for late submissions.