Lecture Notes

Lecture 0: Introduction to Embedded System

Trends in Embedded System
Market Study on Embedded Systems

Lecture 1: Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems

Lecture 2: Continuous Systems Modeling

Lecture 3: Discrete Systems Modeling

Lecture 4: Hybrid Systems Modeling

Lecture 5: Sensors and Actuators

Lecture 6: Processors

Lecture 7: Security and Privacy Issues

Final Exam Sample


Quiz 2:  Friday, Dec. 30th 2022.

Time: 3:30pm at Room 026, 027, 128

Project 1: Demostration: Group 1:  Dec 23, Group 2: Dec 27
Project 2: Report and Demonstration deadline: Group 1: Jan 05, Group 2: Jan 03
You may submit your report and present before the above dates.
Quiz 1:  Friday, Nov. 4th 2022.
Time: 3:30pm at Room 026, 027, 028