Consulting and Other Research Experience

  1. USAID Learning, Evaluation, and Analysis Project Sept 2011 to October 2014. Completed 16 investment appraisals of interventions in USAID's Feed the Future Program in Nepal, Uganda, and Ethiopia. Designed and developed four week training program for USAID Power Africa Initiative Public Private Partnership in Energy Sector; Regulatory, Financial, and Economic Considerations.
  2. USAID's Technical Leadership in Public Financial Management and Macroeconomic
    September 2010 to September 2013. Designed and Delivered four week training programs on Project Appraisal and Risk Analysis in conjunction with the Kenya School of Government and with US Department of State for two four week training programs on Program on Cost-Benefit and Cost-Effectiveness.
  3. African Development Bank, Economic Advisor to the Private Sector Department on the Appraisal of the Bank's investment operations and in the assessment of the Development Impact of private investment in Africa. March 2008 to November 2013.
  4. African Development Bank, Training in Investment Appraisal: Economic and Stakeholder Analysis, January 15 to Feb 15, 2008
  5. Thailand Development Research Institute, Program on Investment Appraisal and Risk Analysis for the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission, Bangkok, Thailand, September 3 to 29, 2007.
  6. World Bank, Transportation, Energy and Mining Sector Division, an Analysis of Current Practices on Contingent Liability Management September to December 2007.
  7. World Bank Staff Workshop on "Economic Analysis/Cost-Benefit Analysis for Public Policy" held at the Shangri La Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand. November 11-16, 2006.
  8. World Bank Staff Workship, "Economic Analysis/Project Appraisal" held in Dakar, Senegal, March 11-16, 2007. 
  9. Inter-American Development Bank Staff Workship. "Integrated Investment Appraisal", Washington, DC, USA January 22 to 26, 2007.
  10. Inter-American Development Bank Staff Workship. "Integrated Investment Appraisal" Washington, DC, USA February 12 to 16, 2007.
  11. Inter-American Development Bank Staff Workship. "Integrated Investment Appraisal", Washington, DC, USA June 11 to 15, 2007.
  12. Dominican Republic, IADB, Research Project on the Reform of the Indirect Tax System for Entry into Regional Free Trade Areas, September to December 2006.
  13. Government of Canada, Privy Council Office, Preparation of Regulation Analysis Guidelines, December 2005 to March 2006.
  14. African Development Bank, Training in Investment Appraisal: Economic and Stakeholder Analysis, January 17-27, 2006.
  15. World Bank, Cambodia Office, Preparation of Paper on Constraints to Growth in
  16. Cambodia, September 2005 to December 2005.
  17. Belize, IADB, A Re-assessment of the Fiscal System of Belize, January to August, 2005
  18. African Development Bank, Preparation of four feasibility studies for investments in electricity, communications, water and sanitation, and small scale commercial Agricultural production for export. January 2005 to October 2005.
  19. Thailand Development Research Institute, Training in Investment Appraisal and Risk Analysis, August 30- September 17, 2004.
  20. Dominican Republic, IADB, Research project on The Incidence of the VAT system, Tax Expenditures, the Taxation of Casinos and Games of Chance, May to August 2004.
  21. African Development Bank, Training in Investment Appraisal and Risk Analysis, January 18-30, 2004. 
  22. Dominican Republic, IADB, an Assessment of the Fiscal System of the Dominican Republic, September to December, 2003
  23. Caribbean Development Bank, Training in Investment Appraisal and Risk Analysis, February- March 2003.
  24. Ministry of Finance, Government of Bolivia, Consulting on tax policy and administration issues. September 2002 to November 2003.
  25. Government of the Northern Province, South Africa, Consulting in the areas of Investment Appraisal, April 2001 to present.
  26. Belize, IADB, an Assessment of the Fiscal System of Belize, May to August, 2002
  27. Russia, USAID Mission in Moscow. Lecturer in the area of public sector rationalization and investment appraisal, December 2001, February 2004.
  28. Ministry of Finance, The Kyrgyz Republic, Economic Consulting in the areas of tax policy and trade policy. May, 2001
  29. World Bank, consultant in the areas of tax policy, tax administration, and investment appraisal. 1995 to present.
  30. Inter-American Development Bank, the evaluation of alternative road passes between Argentina and Chile and the development of an investment strategy for the timing of such investments. June – September 1998
  31. Power Finance Corporation of India, provided training in investment appraisal and risk analysis for the power sector, November 1997 – January 1998.
  32. Binational Commission for the Development of Buenos Aires-Colonia Bridge. Financial and economic analysis of potentially the longest bridge in the world, December 1996 to March 1998.
  33. Paraguay, Ministry of Planning, consulting and training in investment appraisal techniques, December 1997.
  34. Bolivia, Ministry of Finance, consulting and training in investment appraisal techniques, May 1997.
  35. World Bank, Learning and Leadership Center, providing training to World Bank staff members in the economic analysis of projects investment, 1995 to present. 
  36. Consultant on Investment Appraisal Procedures and Methodology, Asian Development Bank, 1992 to 1995.
  37. Economic Consultant, Cyprus Development Bank, on taxation and public investment issues, 1986 to present.
  38. Consultant on Taxation, Department of Finance, Government of South Africa, March 1995.
  39. Consultant on Taxation, Palestine National Authority, November 1994.
  40. Advisor in Investment Appraisal, Department of Industry and Commerce, Government of Paraguay, June - August 1994.
  41. Consultant on Tax Analysis and Policy, Ministry of Industry and Department of Inland Revenue, Government of Sri Lanka, May 1991- 1995.
  42. Consultant on Taxation, Ministry of Finance, Government of Nepal, October 1992 to March 1994.
  43. Consultant on Taxation, UDAPE (Political Economy Analysis Unit), Government of Bolivia, 1992 and 1993.
  44. Economic Consultant, United Nations Development Program. Tax reform in the Dominican Republic, 1989 to 1993.
  45. Consultant on Taxation, United Nations Development Program, Lima, Peru, 1992.
  46. Economic Consultant, World Bank. Completed major study on the political economy of agricultural pricing policies in Malaysia. January 1986 to 1988. 
  47. Economic Research Consultant, Economic Council of Canada. February 1975 to October 1977, September 1980 to August 1981, September 1984 to March 1986.
  48. Research Consultant, Canadian Employment and Immigration Commission. Conducting analysis of determinants of unemployment in Canada. September 1980 to June 1981.
  49. Research Consultant, U.S. Department of the Treasury. Undertaking comparative analysis of effects of tax policies on the return to investment in the steel, forest products, and commercial agriculture sectors across selected countries. September 1980 to August 1981.
  50. Research Consultant, Department of Regional Economic Expansion, Government of Canada. Evaluating the opportunity cost of public-sector funds and the shadow price of foreign exchange for Canada. June 1980 to June 1981.
  51. Economic Consultant, The World Bank. Undertaking an economic analysis of how implementation of alternative tax reforms in the Bolivian mining sector would alter revenues and the incentive to invest. June 1980 to June 1981.
  52. Economic Consultant, Ministry of Finance and Planning, Government of Sri Lanka. Conducting an evaluation of tax and other fiscal measures on industrial development and export promotion. January 1980 to September 1981.
  53. Economic Consultant, Ministry of Finance, Government of Indonesia. This work dealt with adjustment of business taxation to reflect the experience of inflation and devaluation. January 1979.
  54. Member of Advisory Project to the Department of Finance, Government of Indonesia, to recommend reforms in the taxation of mining sector in Indonesia. July 1976 to September 1977.
  55. Economic Consultant, Commission on Inflationary Accounting, Government of Ontario, Canada, June 1975 to December 1975.
  56. Member of the commission sponsored by the World Bank and the Government of Bolivia to recommend reforms in taxation of the mining sector in Bolivia. May 1975 to December 1975.
  57. Economic Consultant, United States Department of State. June 1973 to December 1974.
  58. Research Consultant, Energy Policy Project, Ford Foundation. December 1972 to August 1973. 
  59. Consultant Economist to Economic Planning Branch, Department of Treasury and Economics, Province of Ontario, Canada. Research with emphasis on construction of economic forecasting model for Canada and development of capital budgeting criteria. March 1970-December 1972.
  60. Research Associate with Economic Planning Branch, Department of Treasury and Economics, Province of Ontario, Canada. Work with project to forecast demand for skilled manpower. June 1968 to September 1969.
