09/12/2019 - Students of "Group 1" that have physics exam on the 9th of December MUST attend other labs on Wed. 11th at 16:30 in CMPE 137.
LAB-1: Introducation (DEV C++, MS Visual Studio Compiler)
LAB-2: Sequential Programming
LAB-3: Selections
LAB-4: Repetition(Loops)
LAB-5: Arrays
LAB-6: Functions
Assistant Information
Name: Hossein Zefrehi (Coordinator)
E-mail: Hossein.Zefrehi@emu.edu.tr
Office: CMPE224
Office Tel: 0392 630 1628
For any question about your lab grade, please write a mail to Hossein.Zefrehi@emu.edu.tr