• Summer training presentation for table: CMPE400_CMSE400_BLGM400_2024_2025_Fall.pdf

  • Summer training new rules regarding students who perform 20 days of training: 1) students are allowed to make their presentation ONLY after they complete the 40 days of training. 2)  Students need to submit the report and the logbook to the coordinator after completing each 20 days (You ca not combine the two reports in one report and late submission of the reports will not be accepted). 3)  Student need to complete the 20+20 days of training within one year only

  • Summer training coordinators: CMPE400: Prof. Omar Ramadan (, CMSE400: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gurcu Oz (, BLGM400 : Assist Prof. Dr. Cem Ergun (

  • Steps for conducting Summer training

  • Contact a company (it is your duty to find a company, suggested list: Employer list 1.xlsxEmployer list 2.xlsx). Please be sure that the company includes at least one Computer Engineer or Software Engineer or Electrical Engineer. You can send the company the folloiwing application letter. CMPE400_Application_Letter.docx ; CMSE400_Application_Letter.docx; BLGM400_Application_Letter.docx 
  • Get acceptance letter from the company. Use the following acceptance letter format: CMPE400_Acceptance_Form.docx ; CMSE400_Acceptance_Form.docxBLGM400_Acceptance_Form.docx
  • Fill insurance form, and pay the required fees in the koopbank; see the link below. Fill the starting date and finishing date correctly (it must be 40 or 20 days working days exactly).E-stajformu Insurance.docx , Staj sigorta onayı için gerekli evraklar Required documents.docx . This form must be completed even if you do the training in your home country (also you need to pay the inssurance fees).
  • Prepare three sets of papers (hardcopy), where each set contains
  • 1)  The filled insurance form, with your picture attached to it.  
  • 2)  The acceptance letter from the company;
  • 3) The bank receipt;
  • 4) The passport/ID photocopy.
  • Submit these sets to the DEPARTMENT, then DEAN office, then REGISTRAR office for approval. Hard copy of the above documnets are required. Your training will not be accepted in case you did not submit the hard copy of these documents. Do not send these documents by email. 
  • Important notes about Summer training

  • It is better to do the summer training after the 6th semester. However, finishing 4 semesters is also acceptable.
  • Summer training should be 40 working days or 20 + 20 days, in this case two reports and two presentations are required. If possible, you may do 20 days before the summer school, and 20 days in February break between two semesters.  
  • You can start your training after the finals according to the academic calender. 
  • You can do the training in KKTC, in Turkey, in your counter or other countries. 
  • You can NOT perform the training and summer school at the same time.
  • Online summer training is no longer accepted. 

Lecture Notes
Link and Contacts