Catalogue Description
A brief background to energy and environmental problems. Energy fundamentals. Feasibility assessment in energy studies. Economic analysis and life cycle costing. Energy utilization strategies. Renewable energy and challenges. Energy efficiency in buildings. Energy storage. Utility demand-side management (DSM).
For course outline click here.
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Lecture Material
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Fundamentals
Chapter 3 - Feasibility Evaluation
Chapter 4 - Energy Utilization Strategies
Chapter 5 - Energy Storage
Chapter 6 - Utility Demand-Side Management
Grading Policy:
Mid-Term (20%)
Assignment-I (10%)*
Assignment-II (30%)**
Final (40%)
*Short presention on the selected seminar topic (30 - 45 mins)
**Submission of the report on the seminar topic (use format of Solar Energy – ISSN: 0038-092X)
Completing assignments is a requirement to pass the course.
Date of Final Exam:
Deadline for the submission of term paper:
Evaluation of the term paper will be as follows:
Format of paper
| 3 points
Literature review of the subject investigated
| 4 points
Description of the system investigated
| 4 points
Energy analysis with equations used
| 4 points
Life cycle cost analysis with equations used
| 4 points
Usage of programing or software in simulations
| 4 points
Results presented in tables and graphs
| 4 points
| 3 points