DDL Commands Create : used to create a table Alter : used to make changes on a table - Add : used to add a column, constraint - Modify : to modify a column - Drop : to delete a column, constraint or the whole table //The difference between varcher2 and char course_name varchar2(15) --------------- itec212 course_name char(15) itec212-------- //The difference between the number data types 85.65 midterm number(4) => 85-- midterm number(4,2) => 85.65 //Constraint types primary key => pk forgein key => fk not null => nn unique => uk check => ck //Create create table itec212 (std_id number(8) constriant itec212_std_id_pk PRIMARY KEY, name varchar2(50) constraint itec212_name_nn NOT NULL, phone_no number(15), email varchar2(50) ) //Alter //adding a new column to the table alter table itec212 add (midterm number(4,2)) //adding a constraint to a column alter table itec212 add constraint itec212_phone_no_uk UNIQUE(phone_no) //Changing the size of a column alter table itec212 modify (phone_no number(20)) //deleting a column alter table itec212 drop column email //deleting a constraint from a column alter table itec212 drop constraint itec212_std_id_pk CASCADE //deleting the whole table drop table itec212