type Result = (Expr,Int) data Op = Add | Sub | Mul | Div deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read) data Expr = Val Int | App Op Expr Expr deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read) --results ns = [(e,n) | e <- exprs ns -- , n <- eval e] -- (expression,value) pairs results [] = [] results [n] = [(Val n,n) | n > 0] results ns = [res | (ls,rs) <- split ns , lx <- results ls , ry <- results rs , res <- combine2 lx ry] combine2 (l,x) (r,y) = [(App o l r, apply o x y) | o <- [Add,Sub,Mul,Div] , valid o x y] solutions2 ns n = [e | ns' <- choices ns , (e,m) <- results ns' , m == n] --------------------------------- toBinary 0 = [False] toBinary 1 = [True] toBinary n | n `mod` 2 == 0 = False:(toBinary (n `div` 2)) | otherwise = True:(toBinary (n `div` 2)) makeList 0 _item = [] makeList n item = item:(makeList (n-1) item) -- put zeroes at the beginning of the binary representation (i.e. end here) pad [] [] = [] pad (h:t) (h2:t2) = h2:(pad t t2) pad (h:t) [] = False:(pad t []) binaryUpTo n = [ pad (toBinary n) (toBinary m) | m <- [0..n] ] split aList = [(take x aList, drop x aList)| x <- [1..(length aList)-1]] mySplit aList = [(take x aList, drop x aList)| x <- [0..length aList] ] inject x aList = [left ++ [x] ++ right | (left,right) <- mySplit aList] perm [] = [] perm [x] = [[x]] perm (h:t) = [ r | temp <- (perm t), r <- (inject h temp) ] choose [] _ = [] choose (True:rest) (h:t) = h:(choose rest t) choose (False:rest) (h:t) = choose rest t choices aList = let listSize = length aList in [ aPermutation | aBinary <- binaryUpTo ((2^listSize)-1), aChosenSubList <- [choose aBinary aList], -- a singleton aPermutation <- perm aChosenSubList ] ++ [[]] apply Add x y = x + y apply Sub x y = x - y apply Mul x y = x * y apply Div x y = x `div` y valid Add _ _ = True valid Sub x y = x > y valid Mul _ _ = True valid Div x y = x `mod` y == 0 eval (Val n) = [n | n > 0] eval (App o l r) = [apply o x y | x <- eval l , y <- eval r , valid o x y] values (Val n) = [n] values (App _ l r) = values l ++ values r -- checking for a specific solution solution e ns n = elem (values e) (choices ns) && eval e == [n] exprs [] = [] exprs [n] = [Val n] exprs ns = [App o l r | (ls,rs) <- split ns , l <- exprs ls , r <- exprs rs , o <- [Add,Sub,Mul,Div]] combine l r = [App o l r | o <- [Add,Sub,Mul,Div]] -- generates all solutions solutions ns n = [e | ns2 <- choices ns , e <- exprs ns2 , eval e == [n]]