
Research Activities

Theory and applications of signal processing, detection, estimation, multiuser communication, wireless communication, adaptive channel estimation, fuzzy channel estimation, multiuser detection techniques, digital video broadcasting, mmWave communication techniques, intrusion detection in mobile ad-hoc networks, MIMO communication and OFDM systems.

PhD. Thesis Supervision

Mete Ramazan (August 2024)
Peak Power Reduction in VLC an Impulsive Noise Mitigation in Hybrid PLC-VLC Systems Using u-NCT+MoRoC and ARF Techniques
PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
(Supervised by Dr. Ahmet Rizaner, with Dr. Ali Hakan Ulusoy as co-supervisor)

Erfan A. Shams (September 2022)
Hybrid Machine Learning-based Intrusion Detection System Framework for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks
PhD in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
(Supervised by Dr. Ahmet Rizaner, with Dr. Ali Hakan Ulusoy as co-supervisor)

Mustafa Mulla (June 2022)
Hybrid Precoding Based on Alternating Minimization for Millimeter Wave Systems
PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
(Co-supervised by Dr. Ahmet Rizaner, with Dr. Ali Hakan Ulusoy as supervisor)

Lara Mohammad Hamza Shhab (September 2020)
Employing Preprocessor Filters to Suppress the Effect of Impulsive Noise on Communications Systems at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies
PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
(Supervised by Dr. Ahmet Rizaner, with Dr. Ali Hakan Ulusoy as co-supervisor)

Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed (June 2018)
Post-Pruning Decision Tree Algorithms Based on Bayes Minimum Risk and Loss Minimization to Combat Over-Fitting Problem
PhD in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
(Supervised by Dr. Ahmet Rizaner, with Dr. Ali Hakan Ulusoy as co-supervisor)

MSc Thesis Supervision

Ali Varshosaz
Impact of Different Modulation Schemes on Millimeter Wave Cellular Systems
MS in Electrical and Electronics Engieering
(with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan Amca)

Ahmed Oluwaseyi Oyedele
Hybrid Precoding in Millimeter Wave MIMO-OFDM Systems
MS inElectrical and Electronic Engineering
(with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Hakan Ulusoy)

Sepehr Ashtari Nakhaei (January 2018)
Channel Estimation for Millimeter Wave Cellular Systems
MS in Electrical and Electronics Engieering
(with )

Belma Korkuter (June 2016)
Energy Consumption Analysis for Mobile Ad Hoc Routing Protocols
MS in Computer Engineering
(with Ali Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hakan Ulusoy)

Shahrzad Kaviani (June 2015)
DVB-T Performance Analysis Under Multipath Channel
MS in Electrical and Electronics Engieering
(with Prof. Dr. Hasan Amca)

Ghassan Amanuel Saleem Qas Marrogy (July 2013)
Performance Analysis Of Routing Protocols Using Http Traffic In Manet Using Opnet Simulator
MS in Electrical and Electronics Engieering
(with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Hakan Ulusoy)

Master Project Supervision

Erfan Amirzadeh Shams (June 2015)
Support Vector Machine Based Intrusion Detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Master of Technology in Information Technology

Shola Gboyega Oroja (February 2012)
Credit Scoring Using Soft Computing Schemes
Master of Technology in Information Technology

Stanley Chika Onye (June 2012)
Human Speech Recognition With Artificial Neural Networks
Master of Technology in Information Technology