
CMPE312 - Software Engineering

09.06.2021. Final Exam 18.06.2021, 18.15, Teams, will be comprehensive covering before MT Exam subjects from Lecture Notes tab ( 3.Project Management4.Project Management5.Software Development Process Models; 6. Cost Estımatıon (slides 1-17)) with 33 points out of 100, and after MT Exam subjects (6. Cost Estımatıon (slides 18-35); 7. COCOMO  (slides 1-63); 8. Requirements; 9. Project Scheduling and Tracking; 10. Software Quality Management (slides 1-31); 11. Software Configuration Management) with 67 points out of 100. Exam is open-book, but work independently. Copies are not allowed and will be graded by zero.

18.04.2021. MT Exam 05.05.2021, 12.30, Teams, will  cover the following material from Lecture Notes: 3.Project Management4.Project Management5.Software Development Process Models; 6. Cost Estımatıon (slides 1-17). The exam will be open-book. Work independently, copies are not allowed, and will be graded zero.

07.04.2021. Project proposal report presentation is shifted from 13.04.2021 to 20.04.2021

04.04.2021. CMPE312 Lab 1 reporting is one week shifted from April 6, 2021, to April 13, 2021

02.04.2021. Term Project task explanation materials are available in Lecture Notes, week of 05.04.2021

20.03.2021. Lab 1 Task is available in Labs (to be reported on April 6, 2021). Term Project task is available in Homeworks