Dear Students, Please Remember to Fill the Courses' Instructors Evaluation Survey in Your Student Portal
Name: Asst. Prof. Dr. Cem Ergün E-mail: Office: CMPE108 Group 1,2
Name: Prof. Dr. Zeki Bayram E-mail: Office: CMPE214 Group 3
Name: Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Ozen E-mail: Office: CT 200 Group 4,5
Lab Coordinator:
Name: Khawlah Alshubati Email: Office: CMPE224 Group 1,3,4,5
- Design of computer algorithms with pseudo-code to solve problems, analyze engineering related problems using computer.
- Basic elements of a high level computer programming language: Data types, constants and variables, arithmetic and logical operators and expressions.
- Fundamental components of Python programming language: Storing and manipulating user-input data, design and use of selection structures, design and use of repetition structures, lists and other data structures, functions, modular designs, dictionaries and sets, file input/output.
- Charles Dierbach, Computer Science using Python: A Computational Problem Solving Focus, Wiley, ISBN 978-0-470-55515-6
Indicative basic reading list:
- Eric Matthes, Python Crash Course: A Hands-on Project-based Introduction to Programming, ISBN-10: 1-59327-603-6
Brief list of topics to be covered:
Week 1 | A closer look at a computer system: Basic software and hardware components. |
Week 2-3 | Introduction to problem solving techniques, Algorithms and Pseudo Code |
Week 4 | Introduction to Python programming language: basic data types, constants and variables, basic operators and expressions. |
Week 5 | Data and Expressions: Writing code to store and manipulate user-input data. |
Week 6 | Control and repetition structures, Lists and List comprehensions (if time permits)
Weeks 7-8-9 |
Mid-Term Examination and Regional Holiday |
Week 10 | Lists and List comprehensions (continued) and Functions
Week 11 | Functions with List, Dictionaries and Sets
Weeks 12 | File Input/Output.
Weeks 13-14 | File Input/Output (continued) and Solving examples
Laboratory (Check for the exact dates here)
- Weeks 1, 2, 3 No Lab
- Week 4: LAB 1&2 Introduction to Python Programming Environment/Numbers and Variable Assignment/
Strings and Printing formatting
- Week 5: LAB 3 Sequential code structure in Python Programming
- Week 6: LAB 4 Selective code structure in Python Programming
- Midterms and regional holiday
- Week 10: LAB 5 Repetitive code structure in Python Programming
- Week 11: LAB 6 Lists in Python Programming
- Week 12: LAB 7 Functions and Their Use in a Program / File Input/Output
- Week 13: LAB 8 Dictionaries and Text Files in Python Programming
- Week 14-15: Lab Final Exam
Assessment Method No Percentage
Midterm Exam . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . 40%
Final Exam. . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . 45%
Lab Work ............... . . 7 . . . . . 15%
Policy on makeups:
For eligibility to take a makeup exam, the student should bring (submit) a doctor's report within 3 working days of the missed exam. You will have only one make-up for midterm or final exams only. Make-up will be organized after final exam period and will cover all the materials covered during the semester.
Attendance to lectures:
Attendance will be taken in every lecture but will not be graded.
Attendance to labs: There is no makeup for labs. For a missed lab session, lab grade for that session will be taken as zero. If a student does not attend more than two lab sessions, his/her overall lab grade will be taken as zero.
Policy on cheating and plagiarism:
Any student caught cheating in exams or in any other graded course work will automatically fail from the course and may be sent to the disciplinary committee at the discretion of the instructor.
Policy on NG grades: NG grade will be given in case of Missing Midterm and Final without official excuse.
Contribution of course to ABET criterion 5
Credit Hours for:
Mathematics & Basic Science : 0 Engineering Sciences and Design : 4 General Education : 0
Relationship of the course to program outcomes
The course has been designed to contribute to the following program outcomes:
- 1. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
- 6. an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
Prepared by:
Assist. Prof. Dr. Cem ERGÜN - Assoc. Prof. Dr Adnan ACAN