Dr. OYLUM Hasan, Ph. D.
Date of Birth and Place : 11/05/1971, Gazi Magosa.
Address (home) : Görneç/Gazi Magosa - T.R.N. Cyprus
Address (work) : Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU)
School of Computing & Technology / Gazi Magosa -T.R.N. Cyprus
Phone (home) : (392) 376 67 37
Phone (office) : (392) 630 16 71
e-mail : hasan.oylum@emu.edu.tr
Ph.D. in Chemistry Department, Eastern Mediterranean University,
Gazi Magosa, T.R.N.Cyprus
Preparation and Characterization of Poly (4-Vinyl Pyridine) Grafted Chitin Beads.
CGPA 3.45/4.0, Sep. 1998 – Feb. 2012.
M.S. in Computer Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University,
Gazi Magosa, T.R.N.Cyprus
Comparative Analysis and Implementation of Algorithms for Processing of Large Binary Matrices
CGPA 3.06/4.0, Sep. 1996 – Sep. 1998.
B.Sc., Department of Chemistry with Computer Science, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazi Magosa, T.R.N.Cyprus
CGPA 3.15/4.0, Feb. 1990-Feb. 1994.
High School, Department of Science, Nicosia Turkish Lycee,
Nicosia, T.R.N. Cyprus
GPA 8.33/10.0, 1986-1989.
Work Experience
Full Time Instructor, School of Computing and Technology, Eastern Mediterranean University
1999 – Currently
Teaching of the following courses with their laboratories:
Programming Languages (ITEC 512, CSIT 413, CSIT 354, ITEC 354)
Analysis of Algorithms (ITEC 415)
Advanced Animation Techniques and Project Development (ITEC 457)
Applied Animation Techniques (CSIT 456, ITEC 456)
Graphics and Animation (BTEP 206)
Graphics-Animation and Project Development (BTEP 309)
Algorithms and Programming Techniques (BTEP 101)
Introduction to Computers (ITEC 190- ITEC115)
Multiplatform Programming (ITEC 314)
Graduation Project (ITEC 401- ITEC 402- ITEC 403- ITEC404)
Visual Programming Applications (CPIT 218)
Graphics and Animation Techniques (CPIT 217)
Computer Graphics (CSIT 232)
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (CSIT 242),
Operating System (CPIT 211)
Structured Programming (CSIT 114- CPIT 114- ITEC 114)
Algorithms and Programming Techniques (CSIT 113- CPIT 113)
Part Time Instructor, Dept. of School of Computing & Technology, Eastern Mediterranean University
1998 – 1999
Teaching of the following courses with their laboratories:
Structured Programming I (CPIT/CSIT 114)
System Development I (CPIT 221).
Research Assistant, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University
1996 – 1998
Teaching laboratory material plus tutorials of the following courses:
Introduction to Computing
Introduction to Programming
Data Structures (Pascal, C)
Programming Lang. And Object Oriented Methodology (C/C++)
Operating Systems (Unix-User Level)
Programming Language Design (Fortran, Pascal, C/C++, Prolog, Ada)
Analysis of Algorithms (Pascal, C)
Practical Course Instructor, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University
1997 – 1998
I have organized practical computer courses to the outsiders of the university on MS-DOS, Windows-3.1/95/98, Winword-6.0/7.0, Excell-5.0 and Internet, between the dates:
February 1997 (one-group, 40-hour, place: School of Computing and Technology),
February 1998 (one-group, 30-hour, place: Computer Engineering Department),
July - August 1998 (two-group, 30-hour, place: Computer Engineering Department.
Certificates has been given to the successful students.
Practical Course Instructor, Micronet Computer Company, Gazi Magosa
I have organized practical computer courses to the outsiders of the university on MS-DOS, Windows-3.1/95/98, Winword-6.0/7.0, between the dates:
July and August 1997, August 1999 (six-group, four-group is 35-hour, two-group is 20-hour, place: Micronet Computer Company).
Certificate is given to the successful students.
Trainee Teacher, Nam1k Kemal High School, Gazi Magosa
Oct. 1996 – Dec. 1996
I have worked as a trainee teacher on computer courses of second and third year students at the high school during my Pedagogical Information. I have successfully completed the 52 working hours (three months) and got the Pedagogy Certificate.
Receptionist, Cost Controller, The Olive Tree Holiday Village, Kyrenia
Feb. 1994 – Dec. 1994
Worked as a Receptionist for three months and during this period specialized on HIS (Hotel Information System).
After three months appointed to the position of Cost Controller of the hotel.
Summer Training, State Laboratory, Nicosia
1993 (3 months- 43 working days)
Instrumental analysis by using HPLC, GC, Spectroscope etc. are done and collected in a notebook.
Selected Research Activities
(1) Hasan Oylum, Elvan Yilmaz, Mustafa Gazi, "Removal of Hg(II) Ions from Aqueous Solution by Quaternary P(4VP)-g-Chitin Beads", Seperation Science-Theory and Practice (SSTP-2013), 2nd International Conference on Methods and Materials for Separation Processes, 9-13 June 2013.
(2) Hasan Oylum, Elvan Yılmaz, Osman Yılmaz, "Preparation of Chitin-g-poly(4-Vinylpyridine) Beads", Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry, 50, 221-229, January 2013.
(3) Hasan Oylum, Elvan Yılmaz, Osman Yılmaz, Mustafa Gazi, "Quaternization of P(4-VP)-g-Chitin Beads for Mercury Removal", APME 2011 - IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering, 5-8 September 2011.
(4) Hasan Oylum, Mustafa Gazi, Zülal Yalınca, İlhan Dalcı, "Examining the Potential Use of Waste Frying Oils for Producing Biodiesel in North Cyprus", EMEC 11- 11th European Meating on Environmental Chemistry, 8-11 December 2010.
(5) Hasan Oylum, Zülal Yalınca, Elvan Yılmaz, Osman Yılmaz, "Cholesterol Adsorption Onto Chitin Beads", BIOMED 2009 - 15th International Biomedical Science and Technology Semposium, 16-19 August 2009.
(6) Hasan Oylum, Elvan Yılmaz, Osman Yılmaz, "Kitin-g-(poly(4- Vinylpyridine)) Boncukların Hazırlanması ve Karakterizasyonu", 22. Ulusal Kimya kongresi, 6-10 Ekim 2008.
(7) Hasan Oylum, Elvan Yilmaz, Murat Bengisu, Nesrin Hasirci, "Preparation and Characterization of Chitin Gels – A Comparative Study", In Adv. in Chitin Sci.: Struszyk, H., Domard, A., Peter, M.G., Pospieszny, H., Eds. ESUS: Poznan, Poland, 8, 426-429, 2005.
Hasan Oylum, Elvan Yılmaz, Murat Bengisu, "Drug Release From Chitin Beads", Biomed 2004-11th International Biomedical Science and Technology Days, September 6-10 2004.
(8) Murat Bengisu, Elvan Yilmaz, Hasan Oylum, Hayriye Baglama, "In Vitro Degradation of Chitin Beads and Chitosan Films", In Adv. in Chitin Sci.: Struszyk, H., Domard, A., Peter, M.G., Pospieszny H., Eds. ESUS: Poznan, Poland, 8, 329-333, 2005.
Hasan Oylum, Elvan Yılmaz, Murat Bengisu, Nesrin Hasırcı, "Preparation Characterization of Chitin Gels - a Comparative Study" ,Euchis' 04 - 6th International Conference of the European Chitin Society, August 31 - September 3, 2004.
(9) Murat Bengisu, Elvan Yılmaz, Hasan Oylum, Hayriye Bağlama, "In Vitro Degradation of Chitin Beads and Chitosan Films", Euchis' 04 - 6th International Conference of the European Chitin Society, August 31 - September 3, 2004.
(10) H.OYLUM, K. DEGTIAREV, Comparative Analysis and Implementation of Algorithms for Processing of Large Binary Matrices, M.S. Thesis, 1996-1998.
(11) H. OYLUM, I. AYBAY, Distributed Shared Memory Multiprocessing, Early Multiprocessor Systems, C.mmp, Cm*,Illiac IV, NYU Ultracomputers, Oct. - Nov.1996.
(12) H. OYLUM, I. AYBAY, Distributed Shared Memory Multiprocessing, Case Study on SUN 20/61 Sparc Station called Karpaz in Computer Engineering Department, EMU, Nov. 1996 - Jan. 1997.
(13) H. OYLUM, A. KOSTIN, Networks and Distributed System, "Implementation & Using of Ping Client with Socket", Sep. 1996 - Feb. 1997.
(14) H. OYLUM, A. ACAN, Computational Geometry, Matlab Simulations on Interpolations, Approximations, Regressions (Linear, Multiple Linear, Polinomial), Splines (Linear, Quadatic, Cubic), B-Splines (Quadratic, Cubic), Besier Curve (Cubic), Spline surfaces, Mar. - Jun. 1997.
(15) H. OYLUM, D. DENIZ, Design Analysis and Performance of Computer Networks, "Computer Programs Written in C on Confidence Interval, Queuing Theory& Central Limit Theorem, Oct. - Nov. 1997.
(16) H. OYLUM, D. DENIZ, Design Analysis and Performance of Computer Networks, "Study of Some Well Known Distributions (Erlang, Exponential, Geometric, Normal & Poisson Distributions - C Language Program is written for the analysis)", Nov. 1997 - Jan. 1998.
(17) H. OYLUM, M. M. ASRIN, Broadband Networks (ATM), Simulations on ATM Multiplexer, Leaky Bucket, Switching (Simulations are done in C and experimental data are plotted in Matlab-4.0), Dec. 1997 - Feb. 1998.
Pedagogy Certificate, Atatürk Teacher Collage, Nicosia, Feb. 1996 - Dec. 1996.
Personnel of the month August 1994, The Olive Tree Hotel, Kyrenia, Aug. 1994.
Hunting- Climbing - Fishing - Amateur football player,
Runner, I have a degree during high school, 1986 - 1987.