Atikol is professor of Thermodynamics, Energy Management and Building Services He
is a Certified Energy Auditor and has many years of experience in HVAC
engineering. He specializes in Energy Management and Thermodynamics. His
research work is largely focused on analyzing and proposing solutions to the
problems encountered in transferring clean and efficient energy technologies to
developing countries. He gained experience by taking part in large scale
projects as a senior expert in the implementation of sustainable energy
projects aiming at increasing the living standards of the Turkish Cypriot
community in Cyprus. Resource Efficiency Achievement Project (REAP) sponsored
by the USAID, Public Awareness Campaign and Renewable Energy Utilization in
Rural Development Program sponsored by the EU are some examples. Recently he co-chaired a working group given the task to develop the strategic
plan for implementing energy efficiency in all sectors of northern part of Cyprus.
He was one of the co-founders of the Cyprus Chapter of
Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) of which he was elected as the first
president in 2006. One year later he took part in the foundation of the Energy
Professionals Association (EPA) in northern Cyprus. He authored or co-authored 27 scientific papers
published in indexed scientific journals. He co-wrote a chapter titled “Energy Efficiency: Developing Countries” in the Encyclopedia
of Energy Engineering and Technology published by by Taylor & Francis.