Personal Info

Working Experience
2010-.... E.M.U.,SCT, IT, full-time Assistant Professor.
2008-2010 E.M.U.,SCT, IT, full-time instructor.
2001-2007 E.M.U.,SCT, IT, part-time instructor (for several courses).
2000-2001 E.M.U., SCT, IT, part-time instructor to CSIT 319 (RAD for Win. Appl)(for one semester).
1999-2001 E.M.U.,Computer Center Program Development Team, part-time application developer.
1999-2000 E.M.U.,Computer Eng. Dept, part-time instructor for CMPE 101 (Intro. to Pascal, for Industrial Eng. Dept. group)(for one semester).
1997-1999 E.M.U.,Computer Eng. Dept, Assistantship for several Courses.
2009 - E.M.U., Ph.D. in Computer Engineering Dept.
2000 - E.M.U., M.Sc. in Computer Engineering Dept.
1997 - E.M.U., B.Sc. in Computer Engineering Dept.
1993 - Gazimagosa Turk Maarif College, Math Dept.
Research Interest
Fast hardware-oriented algorithms, Mobile ad-hoc networks.
Computer Languages Known
C#,C,Delphi,Visual Basic,HTML 5,ASP,ASP.NET,PHP,CSS,JavaScript...