Curriculum Vitae


Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, August 1989,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
GPA: 3.64/4.00

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, May 1986,
Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, USA.
GPA: 3.80/4.00
Rank: 4th out of 100 Electrical Engineering students (Class of `86) 

School of Computing & Technology, Eastern Mediterranean University
Senior Instructor (10/1999 - Present): Taught courses such as Introduction to Computers, Microprocessors, Operating Systems, System Programming, Algorithms and Programming, Structured Programming, Multimedia Applications, Introduction to Multimedia, Human Computer Interaction, 3D Modeling and Animation, and conducted laboratories in related fields.  Visited several countries such as Turkey, Nigeria, Pakistan, India, Bahrain to promote the Eastern Mediterranean University to international students. 

Liaison Office of the TRNC Security Forces and the Turkish Peace Forces in Cyprus, Lefkoşa
Interpreter (12/1997 - 10/1999): Served as an interpreter (translator) during Headquarter-level meetings between the TRNC Security Forces Commander or the TRNC Security Forces Chief of Staff and the Foreign Military Attachés or the Commanding Officers of the United Nations Forces in Cyprus.

Computer Center, Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU)
Webmaster (10/1996 - 12/1997): Designed and maintained the official Web Site of the Eastern Mediterranean University.

Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, EMU
Teaching Assistant - Ph.D. Candidate (08/1992 - 06/1996): Taught courses such as Electronics I (EE 343), Electronics II (EE 344), Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (EE 225), Computer Programming (EE 113), Introduction to Computing (EE 111), and conducted laboratories in various related fields.

Electrical Engineering Department, Case Western Reserve University
Research Assistant - Ph.D. Candidate (08/1989 - 05/1992): Designed, assembled, and evaluated electronic devices and data acquisition systems in support of several research programs in the ultrasonics, biomedical, and material science areas.

Electrical Engineering Department, Case Western Reserve University
Teaching Assistant - M.S. Candidate (08/1986 - 05/1989): Taught problem sessions, and conducted laboratories, designed and graded homework and exam problems in analog, and digital circuits courses.

Analytical Solution of Discrete Colored Noise ECA Tracking Filter” published as a regular paper in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS, January 1998, Vol.34, No.1, pp. 93-102.

Edge Effects in Standard Shapes Piezoelectric Transducers-A new method for calculating elastic coefficients”, published as an abstract in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, November 1989, Vol.86, Issue S1, pp. S20-S21 ( 118th MEETING: ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, November 1989, St. Louis-Missouri, USA)

• Fluent in Turkish and English
• Knowledgeable about several software packages such as Mircosoft Office, Autodesk 3ds Max, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, MATLAB, MATHEMATICA, PSPICE
 • Proficient in programming in FORTRAN, C++, MFOX, HTML

• Obtained a full AMIDEAST scholarship in 1982 for undergraduate studies in the United States of America (USA)
• Was on the Deans List every semester; graduated with Summa Cum Lade (High Honor) from Syracuse University
• Member of Tau Beta Pi (National Engineering Honor Society), USA
• Member of Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical Engineering Honor Society), USA 

• Born in Paphos, Cyprus in 1963
• Married and has two children 
