Conference Papers

5.3 International Conferences

[1] Ghaffari M.; Ashourian M.; Ince E. A.; Demirel H., 'Phonocardiography for Automatic Diagnosis of Ventricular Septal Defect in Newborns and Children', 9th Int. Conf. on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, CICN 2017.

[2] Bahmani K, İnce E, "Priority-Aware Extended eOCSA Frame Packing Algorithm Evaluation in WiMAX Systems with Mixed VoIP and Data Traffic," 20th IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology, Nov 2013.

[3] Erhan A. Ince, Edmond Nurellari, Leonardo O. Iheme, "Image Transmission over Fading Channels Using RS-CC Versus LDPC Coding", 10.2316/P.2011.759-012, SIP 2011.

[4] Dushantha N. K. Jayakody, Leonardo O. Iheme, Erhan A. Ince, "Coded QPSK-OFDM for Data Transmission over Fading Channels", ICIAfS 2010, Dec 2010, pp.276-282 .

[5] Nima Seifnaraghi, Saameh G. Ebrahimi, Erhan A. Ince, "A novel traffic lightssignalling technique based on lane occupancy rates derived from surveillance video", ISCIS 2009, Sept 2009, pp.592-596.

[6] Syed A. Ali and Erhan A. Ince, "Performance Analysis of Turbo Codes over Nakagami-m Fading Channels with Impulsive Noise", 18th IEEE Symp. On Personal Indoor and Mobile Communications, Sept 2007, pp. 1-4.

[7] Syed A. Ali and Erhan A. Ince, "Performance Analysis of Turbo Codes over Rician Fading Channels with Impulsive Noise", ICT-MICC 2007, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, May 2007, pp.102-106.

[8] Erhan AliRiza Ince and Syed Amjad Ali, "An Adept Segmentation Algorithm and its Application to the Extraction of Local Regions Containing Fudicial Points", in 21st International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS06), LNCS 4263, pp. 553–562, Nov 2006.

 [9] S. A. Ali & E. A. Ince, "Distribution Free Approximations to Pairwise Error Probability for Memoryless Fading Channels", 13th International Conference on Telecommunications, May 2006.

[10] Syed A. Ali, Erhan A. Ince, "Pairwise Error Probability Expressions Over Fully Interleaved Nakagami-m Fading Channels and Their Use in Union Bounds for Turbo Codes," 6th International ITG-Conference on Source and Channel Coding + 4th International Symposium on Turbo Codes, April 2006.

[11] Syed A. Ali, Nirmal Kambo, Erhan A. Ince, "A Simple Moment Based Approximation to Pairwise Error Probability for Memoryless Fading Channels," 16th International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, June 2005.

[12] E. A. Ince, A. S. Awad, "Iterative Parallel Data Detection Versus Other Established De-Blurring Techniques", International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2001.

[13] Erhan A. Ince, A. S. Awad, "Comparison of 2D de-blurring Techniques Used for image reconstruction", International Symposium on Telecommunications, IST 2001, pp. 1-4.

[14] Erhan A. Ince, Okan Özkan, "Digitally Monitored Safe System," The Fifteenth International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, 2000, pp. 184-193.

[15] Erhan A. Ince, H.Ozkaramanli,S.Omar,M.Baig,A.Bhatti, "Fingerprint Recognition and Client to Server Communications," Proc. of the Second Inter. Symp. on Mathematical & Computational Applications, 1999.

[16] Erhan A. Ince,Y.J.Guo, S.K.Burton,"M-Algorithm Based receiver complexity for PR-CPM Signals," Fifth Inter. Symp. on CSDSP, Sheffield, UK,1998.

[17] E. A. Ince, N. Vorizonakis, Y.J.Guo, S.K.Burton, "Breadth-First Sequential Detection of PR-CPM over AWGN and Multipath Channels", Inter. Symp. of Infor. Theory, Ulm, Germany, 1997.

[18] Erhan A. Ince,Y.J. Guo, S.K.Burton, "T-Algorithm Detection of Partial Response Continuous Phase Modulated Signals over Multipath Channels" Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Helsinki, Finland, 1997.

[19] H. El-Sharkaway, Erhan Ince, "DSP96002 wideband coder for ISDN applications," Proc. of the Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, pp.51-55, 1992.

[20] Erhan A. Ince, M. Elsharkaway, "ISDN Applications with Motorola's DSP56000Family," Proc. of the ISMM Inter. Conf. on Comp. Design, Simulation and Analysis, 1992. 

5.5  National Conferences

[1] Ramin Bakhshi,  Erhan A. Ince and Cenk M. Yetiş, "DoF Maximization in Heterogeneous Networks Using BIA Under Limited Coherence Time", in Proc. 24rd Signal Process. and Commun. Appl. Conf. (SIU), May 2016, pp. 1721-1724.

[2] Keivan Bahmani, Ramin Bakhshi, Erhan A. İnce, Cenk M. Yetiş, "Interference Management in Two-Tier Heterogeneous Networks Using Blind Interference Alignment", In: IEEE 23nd Signal Process. and Commun. Appl. Conf., SIU 2015.

[3] Ghazal Rouhafzay, Keivan Bahmani, Erhan A. Ince, "Modified Orientation Based Burst Packing (MOBBP) Algorithm for Improved Frame Packing Efficiency", In: IEEE 22nd Signal Process. and Commun. Appl. Conf., SIU 2014, pp. 602-605.

[4] Sahar Ebadinezhad, Doğu Arifler, Keivan Bahmani, Erhan A. Ince, "Streaming Stored Video Over Multi-Channel Wireless Systems: Schedular Performance Evaluation", In: IEEE 22nd Signal Process. and Commun. Appl. Conf., SIU 2014, pp. 563-566.

[5] Keivan Bahmani, Erhan A. Ince, "Priority-Aware Downlink Frame Packing Algorithm for OFDMA-Based Mobile Wireless Systems", In: IEEE 21st Signal Process. and Commun. Appl. Conf., SIU 2013, pp. 1-4.

[6] Edmond Nurellari, Erhan A. Ince, "Image transmission over Gilbert-Elliot and ITU Fading Channels using DVB-T2 Channel Coding and QPSK-OFDM", In: IEEE 20th Signal Process. and Commun. Appl. Conf., SIU 2012, pp. 1-4.

[7] Saameh G. Ebrahimi, Nima Seifnaraghi, Erhan A. Ince, "Traffic Analysis of Avenues and Intersections Based on Video Surveillance From Fixed Video Cameras,  SIU 2009.

[8] Erhan A. Ince, Fahri Asvaroglu, "RSC Robust Hybrid Watermarking Technique," Proc. of the IEEE 14th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, pp. 1-4, April 2006.

[9]  E. A. Ince, S. Kaymak, T. Çelik, "Yüzsel Öznitelik Sezimi İçin Karma Bir Teknik", SİU'05 IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı.

[10] Erhan A. Ince, Syed Amjad Ali, "Kanal Güvenilirlik Bilgisinin Eşli Hata Olasılığı İfadesi ve Turbo Kodların Sönümlemeli Kanallar Üzerindeki Ortalama Üstel Sınır Hesaplamalarındaki Etkisi", SIU2003.

[11] Erhan A. Ince, "Bulanık ve TBGG'ye Maruz Kalmış İkili İmgeler İçin Yüksek Başarımlı Yeni Bir Onarım Tekniği," SIU2002, pp.1210-1213.

[12] Erhan A. Ince, Syed A. Ali, "Altın Göreceli Asal Serpiştirici ve Kısa Çerçeveler Kullanan Turbo Kodların Toplanır Beyaz Gauss Gürültülü ve Düz Sönümlemeli Bağımsız Rayleigh Kanalları Üzerindeki Başarımı", SIU2002, pp. 147-152.

[13] Erhan A. Ince, "Karesel Hata Ölçütü ve Seçilmiş bir eşik değerine bağlı tek-boyutlu netleştirme yöntemi,"  Sinyal İşleme ve Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2001.

[14] Erhan A. Ince, "Çift eşik değerli görüntü netleştirme yöntemi," Sinyal İşleme ve Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2001.

[15] Erhan A. Ince, Coskun Aksel, Cafer Kizilors, "Magnetic-Card Operated Auto Park Barrier System Supported by Micro Controller Based Infrared Module," EMO Bilim, Cilt:1-Sayi:1- August 2001.