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Secondary School Students Examine Space

Secondary School Students Examine Space
Published Date: Thursday, 15 August 2019

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Arts and Sciences Faculty, Department of Physics organized an Astronomy Course aimed towards secondary school students aged 12 and above. The scientific course took place on the 5th and 7th of August, 2019 and was free of charge in order to be beneficial to the society. The mentioned dates were chosen because they were suitable for observing the stars and planets. During the course, the young students gained the opportunity to examine the sky and obtain detailed information about space and astronomy.

Certificates Were Delivered

Astronomy License (BS University of Central Lancashire, UK) holding teacher Yenal Öğmen and EMU Physics Department PhD student Huriye Gürsel delivered the Astronomy Summer Course as volunteers.  The theoretical component of the course was delivered in a 35 seated classroom of the EMU Arts and Sciences Faculty. Observation was carried out with a telescope from the inventory of Yenal Öğmen’s Green Island Observatory. The students and instructors were delivered certificates upon completion of the course.