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 Publications List

Vibration control of midrise buildings by semi-active tuned mass damper including multi-layered soil-pile-structure-interaction

M Ghorbanzadeh, S Sensoy, E Uygar

Structures 43, 896-909


Seismic Performance Assessment of Semi Active Tuned Mass Damper in an MRF Steel Building Including Nonlinear Soil–Pile–Structure Interaction

M Ghorbanzadeh, S Sensoy, E Uygar

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 1-19


A review on the effects of landfill leachate on the physical and mechanical properties of compacted clay liners for municipality landfills

A Norouzi, E Uygar, Z Nalbantoglu

Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15 (12), 1-27


Equation for Maximum Ground Surface Settlement due to Bored Tunnelling in Cohesive and Cohesionless Soils Obtained by Numerical Simulations

H Saeed, E Uygar

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 47 (4), 5139-5165


Nonlinear calculation method for one-dimensional compression of soils

B Alibrahim, E Uygar

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 47 (4), 4865-4877


Simplified analysis of creep for preloaded reconstituted soft alluvial soil from Famagusta Bay

AHB Garoushi, E Uygar

Geomechanics and Engineering 28 (2), 157-169


Liquefaction susceptibility of beach sand containing plastic fines

H Saeed, Z Nalbantoglu, E Uygar

Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 1-13


Nonlinear soil-pile-structure interaction for midrise STMD buildings

M Ghorbanzadeh, E UYGAR, S ŞENSOY

Erzincan Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 14 (2), 814-824


Influence of compaction method and effort on electrical resistivity and volume change of cohesive soils

B Alibrahim, E Uygar

KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 25 (7), 2381-2393


Lateral soil pile structure interaction assessment for semi-active tuned mass damper buildings

M Ghorbanzadeh, E Uygar, S Sensoy

Structures 29, 1362-1379


Volume change and compressive strength of an alluvial soil stabilized with butyl acrylate and styrene

MR Golhashem, E Uygar

Construction and Building Materials 255, 119352


Improvement of internal stability of alluvial clay from Famagusta Bay, Cyprus, using copolymer of butyl acrylate and styrene

MR Golhashem, E Uygar

Environmental & Engineering Geoscience 25 (4), 289-300


Kumlu Zeminlerde Sığ Temellerin Oturma Hesaplarında Düşük Sünme Modülünün Uygulanması

E Uygar, HT Brocklebank, P Sharp

6. Geoteknik Sempozyumu, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana., 548-558


Mechanics of Fine Granular Media Under One-dimensional and Plane Strain Conditions

E Uygar

Eastern Mediterranean University


Monotonic and cyclic oedometer tests on sand at high stress levels

E Uygar, AG Doven

Granular Matter 8 (1), 19-26


Two-Dimensional Modeling of a Sand Medium in Direct Shear Testing with Ansys

E Uygar, AG Doven, G Magusa

The Fifteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference


Effect of silica fume on the fresh and hardened properties of high performance concrete

E Uygar, E Aydin

3rd International Conference, Construction Materials, Performance …


The Engineering Properties of High Volume Fly Ash Cement Paste

E Aydın, A Pekrioğlu, E Uygar, CE Atak, AG Döven


The effect of repeated wetting-drying on the hydraulic properties of Konnos clay

H Bilsel, E Uygar, NC Gazimagusa

Proceedings of the 53rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference


An Investigation on Internal Erosion Characteristics of Various Earth Dams in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

E Uygar

Eastern Mediterranean University


Zemin Etüdünün Önemi Ve Zemin-Yapı Etkileşimi Üzerine Bir Ön Araştırma

A Ertuğ, U Eriş
