Articles Published in Journals or as Chapters in Books

1. "Measurement of Rates of Return and Taxation from Private Capital in Canada", in Benefit-Costs Analysis, W.A. Niskanen et al., editors, Aldine, 1972.

2. "Rates of Return and Taxation for Private Capital in Canada", Ontario Economic Review, November/December 1972.

3. "Tax Preferences and the Foreign Operations of the United States Petroleum Industry", statement in Report of Hearings to Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations, United States Senate, January 30, 1974.

4. "Measurement of the Gains and Losses from Foreign Investment", in Policy Formation in an Open Economy, edited by Robert A. Mundell and E. van Snellenburg, University of Waterloo, 1974, pp. 393-413.

5. "International Taxation and the U.S. Multinational Petroleum Companies", statement in hearings before the committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives, The Energy Crisis and Proposed Solutions, Washington, D.C., March 6, 1975. 

6. "United States Taxation and the Incentive to Develop Foreign Primary Energy Sources", in Studies in Energy Tax Policies, Gerard Brannon, editor, Ballinger Publishing Co., Cambridge, Mass., 1975.

7. "Taxation of Income of Multinational Corporations: The Case of the U.S. Petroleum Industry" (with Brian Wright), Review of Economics and Statistics, February 1975.

8. "An Evaluation of Alternative Tax Systems Applicable to the Mineral Industries", in Mineral Leasing as an Instrument of Public Policy, Crommeline, M. and Thompson, A.R., editors, University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, 1977. It has been reprinted as, "How to Tax Mineral Extraction," pp.279-285 in Taxation in Developing Countries, editors Bird, R. and Oldman, O., Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins Press Ltd., 1990.

9. "The Macroeconomic Impact of the Mineral Exporting Sector on a Developing Economy" (with M. Gillis), in M. Gillis et al., Taxation and Mining, Ballinger Publishing Company, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1978.

10. "Alternatives for Mineral Tax Reform" (with M. Gillis, L. Wells, and B. Wright), in M. Gillis et al., Taxation and Mining, Ballinger Publishing Company, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1978. 

11. "Performance Evaluation and Public Sector Enterprises: Cases from Latin America and Asia" (with M. Gillis), in Public Enterprise Investment, Prices, Costs, and Returns, P.K. Basu and A. Nove, e

12. "Adaptation of System Expansion to Marginal Cost Based Rates Using a Load Simulation Model" (with John C. Evans), Canadian Electrical Association on Marginal Cost and Pricing of Electrical Energy, Montreal, Canada, May 1978, pp. 276-292.

13. "On Measuring the Social Opportunity Cost of Permanent and Temporary Employment" (with C.Y. Kuo), The Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. XI, No. 2, May 1978.

14. "An Operational Approach to the Performance Evaluation of Public Sector Enterprises", Annals of Public and Cooperative Economy, Vol. 50, No. 2, April-June 1979.

15. "Principles of Performance Evaluation for Public Sector Enterprises", Development Forum, Malaysian Center for Development Studies, June 1979.

16. "Estimating the Private and Social Opportunity Costs of Displaced Workers" (with Claude Montmarquette), The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. LXI, No. 2, August 1979. 

17. "Taxes and Tariffs and the Evaluation of the Benefit from Foreign Investment", Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. XII, No. 3, August 1979.

18. "General Structure of Indonesian Mining Taxation" (with M. Gillis and R. Beals), Ch. 2 in M. Gillis and R. Beals, Tax and Investment Policies for Hard Minerals: Public and Multinational Enterprises in Indonesia, Ballinger Publishing Company, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1980.

19. "Investment Policy: Issues and Analysis" (with M. Gillis, R. Beals, and U. Peterson), Ch. 8 in M. Gillis and R. Beals, Tax and Investment Policies for Hard Minerals: Public and Multinational Enterprises in Indonesia, Ballinger Publishing Company, Cambridge, Mass., 1980.

20. "Discount Rates for the Economic Appraisal of Public Sector Expenditures", Canadian Public Policy, Vol. VI, No. 3, Summer 1980.

21. "Worker Adjustment to Liberalized Trade: Costs and Assistance Policies", World Bank Staff Working Paper No. 426, October 1980.

22. "The Public-Sector Discount Rate for Canada: Some Further Observations", Canadian Public Policy, Vol. VII, No. 3, Summer 1981. 

23. "On Measuring the Social Opportunity Cost of Permanent and Temporary Employment: A Reply" (with C.Y. Kuo), Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. XIV, No. 4, November 1981.

24. "Forestry Projects with Foreign Participation: An Overview of Policy Guidelines and Appraisal" (with M. Gillis), United Nations: Food and Agriculture Organizations 1981. Prepared in conjunction with FAO/SIDA Seminar on Planning Forestry Development, Santiago, Chile.

25. "The Taxation of Foreign Investment Income in Canada, the United States, and Mexico" (with D. Misir and G. Glenday), Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol. 44, No. 3, Summer 1981.

26. "Tax Incentives, Revenue Transfers and the Taxation of Income from Foreign Investment" (with A. Deutsch), in Tax Policy Options in the 1980s, edited by J. Whalley and W. Thirsk, Canadian Tax Foundation, Canadian Tax Paper Series, Toronto, 1981.

27. "Public Enterprise Finance in Developing Countries: Toward a Synthesis" (with M. Gillis and D. Lessard), in Public Enterprises in Less Developed Countries, edited by Leroy P. Jones, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1982.

28. "Evaluation of Performance of Industrial Public Enterprises: Criteria and Policies" (with M.H. Lahouel), Industry and Development, No. 7, April 1983. 

29. "Industrial Dislocation and the Private Cost of Labour Adjustment" (with G. Glenday), in Economic Inquiry - Contemporary Policy Issues, January 1984.

30. "On Measuring the Social Opportunity Cost of Foreign Exchange" (with C.Y Kuo), Canadian Journal of Economics, XVIII, No. 2, May 1985.

31. "Public Utility Finance and Economic Waste", Canadian Journal of Economics, XVIII, No. 3, August 1985.

32. "Options for Dealing with Declining Industries", in Proceedings, National Economics Conference, March 22, 1985, Department of Finance, Ottawa, Canada.

33. "The Impact of Inflation on Corporate Taxes and the Cash Flows of Business", Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 33, No. 4, July-August 1985.

34. "Financing Universal Access in the Telephone Network" (with M. Gillis and J. Leitzel), National Tax Journal, Vol. 39, No. 1, March 1986.

35. "Social Goals and Basic Needs: Telephone Access", in Telecommunications and Equity: Policy Research Issues, ed. J. Miller, North-Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1986. 

36. "The Evolution of Sales Tax Reform in Canada," in Policy Forum on the Business Turnover Tax, edited by Robin Boadway and Jack Mintz, Policy Forum Series: The John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy, Queen's University: Kingston, Ontario, Canada, August 1986.

37. "Costs and Consequences of the New Protectionism. The Case of Canada's Clothing Sector," in Modern Developments in Public Finance: Essays in Honor of Arnold Harberger, edited by Michael J. Boskin (New York: Basil Blackwell Inc., 1987).

38. "Public Utility Finance and Pricing: A Reply," in Canadian Journal of Economics, XX, No. 1, February 1987.

39. "Tax Changes Before Tax Policies: Sri Lanka, 1977-88," in Tax Reform in Developing Countries, edited by Malcolm Gillis, Duke University Press, 1989.

40. "Trade, Protectionism and Industrial Adjustment: The Consumer Electronics Industry in North America," in Trade, Protectionism and Industrial Adjustment. North-South Institute and Institute for South-East Asian Studies, September 1989.

41. "Tax Shelter Finance: How Efficient Is It?", in Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 38, No. 2, March 1990.

42. "Tax Policy Issues in Emerging Market Economies", in Policy Forum on Economic Development in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: Implications for Canada, edited by Douglas Purvis, Policy Forum Series: The John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy, Queens University: Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 1990. 

43. "The External Financing of Indonesia's Imports" (with Henry B.F. Lim), OECD Development Center, Paris, 1991.

44. "Tax Shelter Finance: How Efficient is It?", in Policy Options for the Treatment of Tax Losses in Canada, Richard DeBoo Publishers, Toronto, 1991.

45. "Tax Reform: Lessons Learned", Chapter 11 in Reforming Economic Systems in Developing Countries, edited by Dwight H. Perkins and Michael Roemer, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1991.

46. "Malaysia" (with Andrew Kwok-Kong Lai), chapter 3 in The Political Economy of Agricultural Pricing Policy, Vol. 2, Asia, edited by Anne O. Krueger, Maurice Schiff, Alberto Valdes, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991.

47. "Puerto Rican Statehood: A Precondition to Sound Economic Growth", Glosa Plebiscitaria, edited by Idsa E. Alegria Ortega, Centro de Investigaciones Sociales Universidad de Puerto Rico, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 1991.

48. "Fiscal Policies to Control Pollution: International Experience," (with Ranjit Lamech) in Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation, Vol. 46, No. 10, IBFD Publications BV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 1992.

49. "Market-Based Incentive Instruments for Pollution Control," (with Ranjit Lamech) in Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation, Vol. 46, No. 11, IBFD Publications BV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 1992.

50. "Economic Reform and Institutional Innovation," in Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation, Vol. 46, No. 12, IBFD Publications BV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 1992.

51. "Privatization and Pension Reform in Transition Economies," 1991 IIPF Proceedings - Public Finance, The Hague/Koenigstein, 1992.

52. "Viet Nam's Tax Reforms: Policies in Transition Economies," (with Seth E. Terkper) in Tax Notes International, Arlington, Virginia, February 22, 1993.

53. "Administration Reform for Fiscal Systems in Transition Economies: The Case of Viet Nam," (with Seth E. Terkper) in Tax Notes International, Arlington, Virginia, March 29, 1993.

54. "Implications of Economic Transition and Demographics for Financing Pensions in the Former Socialist Economies," published in 1992 IIPF Proceedings - Public Finance, The Hague/Koenigstein, 1993.

55. "Voluntary Compliance with Tax Obligations: The Case for Taxpayer Service and Information," (with Edwin Forlemu), Tax Administration Review (No.12), InterAmerican Center of Tax Administrators (CIAT) Executive Secretariat, Panama, with the Institute of Fiscal Studies of Spain (IEF), April 1993.

56. "Modernization of Tax Administrations: Revenue Boards as an Instrument for Change," Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation, Vol. 48, No. 2, IBFD Publications BV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, February 1994. 

57. "The Appraisal of Investment Projects: A Teaching Approach," Journal of International Development, Vol. 6, No. 1, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 1994.

58. "Puerto Rico and Section 936: A Costly Dependence" (with J. Tomas Hexner), in Tax Notes International, Arlington, Virginia, January 16, 1995.

59. "Linking East and West Bangladesh: The Jamuna Bridge Project" (with Gangadhar P. Shukla), Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, University of Calgary Press, Canada, Special Issue for 1997 (vol. 12), pp. 121-145.

60. "Project Analysis and the World Bank," American Economic Review, May 1997, 87(2), pp. 38-42.

61. "Tax Reform," with Robert Conrad, Graham Glenday, and Roy B. Kelly, pp. 147-174. In Assisting Development in A Changing World: The Harvard Institute for International Development, 1980-1995, edited by Dwight H. Perkins, Richard Pagett, Michael Roemer, Donald R. Snodgrass, and Joseph J. Stern. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Institute for International Development, 1997.

62. "Value Added Tax Policy and Implementation in Singapore," with Rup Khadka, International VAT Monitor, vol. 9 (no. 2), pp. 35-47, IBFD Publications, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March/April 1998.

63. "Evaluation of Stakeholder Impacts in Cost-Benefit Analysis," Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal," vol 17, number 2, June 1999. 

64. "Costs and Pricing Policies Related to Transporting Water by Tanker from Turkey to North Cyprus," (with H.A. Bicak), Access to Water in the Eastern Mediterranean, D. Brooks and O. Mehmet eds, IDRC Books, Ottawa, 1999.

65. "A VAT Revenue Simulation Model for Tax Reform in Developing Countries," World Development, April, 2000.

66. "Diagnostic and Proposals for the Reform of the Personal Income Tax System in North Cyprus" Review of Social and Business Studies, Fall 2001.

67. "Arnold Harberger's Contributions to Public Policy", Proceedings of the 2001 Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association, 2002

68. "Water Flow Risks and Stakeholder Impacts on the Choice of a Dam Site" Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, June 2002.

69. "The Economic Cost of Foreign Exchange for South Africa" (with Arnold C. Harberger, Chun-Yan Kuo M. Benjamin Mphahlele). The South African Journal of Economics, Vol. 71:2 June 2003

70. "Puerto Rican Migration: An Assessment of Quantitative Studies" (with Ricardo Godoy and Karishma Patel) CENTRO Journal vol.15, no 2, 2003 

71. "The Economic Opportunity Cost of Capital in South Africa" (with CY Kuo and M. Benjamin Mphahele), The South African Journal of Economics Vol 71:3 September 2003.

72. "An Operational Guide to the Estimation of the Economic Opportunity Cost of Labor in South Africa" (with Hasan Bicak, CY Kuo and Benjamin Mphahele) The South African Journal of Economics Vol. 72:4 December 2004.

73. "Tax Compliance: When do Employees behave like the Self-Employed?" (with Mustafa Besim) Applied Economics, June, 2005

74. "The High Cost of Controlling GST and VAT Evasion" (with Bahro A. Berhan) Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 53, No 3 October 2005

75. "Evaluation of the Benefits of Transnational Transportation Projects" (with CY Kuo) Journal of Applied Economics, Vol. IX, No.1 May 2006. 1-17

76. "The Economic Cost of "Clever" Tax Administration Ideas" (with Bahro Berhan), Review of Social and Business Studies, Vol 5/6, Fall 2004-2005 pp 89-104

77. "Fiscal Adjustment for Sustainable Growth in Belize", (with Chun-Yan Kuo) Economic and Sector Study Series RE2-06-020, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington DC, September 2006. 

78. "Evaluation of the Relative Impact of Fiscal Incentives and Trade Policies on the Return to Manufacturing in Taiwan 1955-1995," (with Chun-Yan Kuo) Asian Economic Journal, Vol. 21, No. 1, March 2007.

79. "Information, Corruption, and Measures for the Promotion of Manufactured Exports" (with Chun-Yan Kuo) chapter 7 in The Economics of Transparency in Politics, edited by Albert Breton, Gianluigi Galeotti, Pierre Salmon, and Ronald Wintrobe, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Aldershot, Hampshire England, 2007

80. "The Economics of Casino Taxation" (with Hasret Benar) Applied Economics, Vol 40, February 2008.

81. "The Economics of Regulation and Taxation Policies for Casino Tourism" (with Hasret Benar) Tourism Economics, Vol 14, No 3, September 2008.

82. "The Self-imposed embargo: customs-related transaction costs of North Cyprus" (with Bahro A. Berhan) Applied Economics, Vol. 44, 2012.

83. Risk Sharing In Hydropower Development: Case Study Of Chukha Hydel Project In Bhutan, (with DNS Dhakal), Water Policy, Vol. 15:S1 2013, pp 109-125

84. The Fiscal Burden of the Legacy of the Civil Service Pension Systems in Northern Cyprus, (with Hasan Altiok), Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, Volume 12: 01, 2013, pp 92-110

85. Social security generosity, budgetary deficits and reforms in North Cyprus, (with Hasan Altiok) Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Vol: 10 1080/17487870, 2013

86. "An Economic Evaluation of Peru's Liquefied Natural Gas Export Policy" (with Leonard Leung), Energy Policy, Vol: 74, 2014, pp 643-654

87. "Economic Repercussion of Opening the Border to Labour Movements Between North and South Cyprus" (with Nuru Giritli and Sevin Ugural), Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, Vol. 27, No. 1, 729–739, 2014.

88. "Cost-Effective Infrastructure Choices in Education: Location, Build or Repair" (with Armin Zeinali), South African Journal of Economics and Management Sciences, Vol: 18, No: 1, March 2015, pp 70-83

89. "Musings on the Social Discount Rate" (with Arnold. C. Harberger), Journal of BenefitCost Analysis, March 2015, 6(01): pp. 6-32.

90. "Innovation, Fiscal Prudence and Social Equity in the Social Security Reforms of Northern Cyprus" (with Hasan U. Altiok), İktisat İşletme ve Finans, Vol: 30, Issue: 349, April 2015, pp 77-83

91. "Measuring the Foreign Exchange Premium and the Premium for Non-tradable Outlays for twenty Countries in Africa" (with Chun-Yan Kuo and Sener Salci), South African Journal of Economics Vol 88.2 June 2015.pp 269-285

92. "Were the Hydro Dams Financed by the World Bank from 1976 to 2005 Worthwhile?" (with Omotola Awojobi), Energy Policy (2015), 86: pp. 222–232.

93. Dagli, O., & Jenkins, G. P. (2015). "Consumer Preferences for Improvements in Mobile Telecommunication Services." (with Orhan Dagli), Telematics and Informatics (2015), 33(1): pp. 205-216. 

94. Ozbafli, A., & Jenkins, G.P. (2015). "The Willingness to Pay by Households for Improved Reliability of Electricity Service in North Cyprus." (with Aygul Ozbafli), Energy Policy 87, (2015) pp 359-369

95. Kabungo, A. M., & Jenkins, G. P. (2015). "Contract Farming Risks: A Quantitative Assessment." (with Arkins M. Kabungo), South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, (forthcoming 2016)

96. "Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Alternative Water Heater Systems Operating with Unreliable Water Supplies." (with Arif Yurtsev), Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, (Forthcoming 2015)

97. "Measuring Informality in a Micro Economy: Its Size, Composition and Consequences" (with Mustafa Besim and Tufan Ekici) International Labour Review, forthcoming 2015.

98. An Economic Analysis Of Policies For Promoting Economically Efficient Water Heater Systems Operating Under Seasonal Climatic Conditions, (Arif Yurtsev), Energy and Environment, (forthcoming 2016)

99. An Economic Appraisal Of Solar Versus Combined Cycle Electricity Generation For African Countries That Are Capital Constrained (Saule Baurzhan), Energy and Environment, (forthcoming, 2016)
