Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) achieved 8th place among the universities of Turkey with 2.11 FC points (total 5 published) in Nature Index 2018 rankings that span over October 1st, 2017 and September 30th, 2018. EMU sustained its success as it has now achieved the top 10 in Nature Index for three consecutive years.
EMU’s ranking in NATURE Index 2018 is due to the published works of EMU Faculty of Arts and Sciences Faculty Members Prof. Dr. Mustafa Halilsoy, Assoc. Prof. Dr. S. Habib Mazharimousavi, Assist. Prof. Dr. Tugçe Karaderi, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Övgün and doctorate student S. Danial Forghani; and Faculty of Medicine Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Huriye Nursel Elçioğlu.

The journals and published works that enabled EMU’s place in Nature Index 2018 are “Protein-Altering Variants Associated With Body Mass İndex İmplicate Pathways That Control Energy Intake And Expenditure In Obesity”, European Physical Journal C “A Note On Thin-Shell Wormholes With Charge İn ()-Gravity, Asymmetric Thin-Shell Wormholes, Falsifying Cosmological Models Based On A Non-Linear Electrodynamics” American Journal of Human Genetics “Recessive MYF5 Mutations Cause External Ophthalmoplegia, Rib, and Vertebral Anomalies”
What is Nature Index?
Nature Index is a database that creates monthly and annual lists of articles published in the world’s most prestigious 82 scientific journals of independently chosen fields; medicine, health, chemistry, physics, earth and environmental sciences. This database is compiled by Nature Research. Nature Index is a real time proxy for measuring the outputs and academic collaboration of high quality research that prepares institutional, national and regional level compilations. Nature index is updated monthly and the results are published after 12 months on www.natureindex.com under the license of a non-commercial organization called Creative Commons. Nature Index published the regional, country and institution/university level annual outputs and an archive of the yearly tables published in the previous years (until 2016).
How Are Nature Index Metrics Counted?
The simplest method is article count (AC). Every article, with at least one author, from a country or institution is given 1 AC. This disregards the number of authors and means that the same article can contribute to the ACs of multiple countries or institutions. To know the article contribution of a country or university, Nature Index uses fractional count (FC) to determine the contribution of each author of the article. The total FC per article is the shared “1” by all authors under the assumption of equal contribution.
For example, an article with 10 authors means that each author receives 0.1 FC. For authors connected with multiple institutions, their FC is divided equally among those institutions. During the calculations, the total FC is taken for institutions whereas for individual authors, the FC is added.
A Visit was Paid to Prof. Dr. Osam
The Faculty Members that enabled EMU’s place in Nature Index’s 2018 rankings, accompanied by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dean Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Özarslan, paid a visit to Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam in his office. During the visit on January 3rd, 2019 (Thursday) Prof. Dr. Osam congratulated all faculty members for their achievements and noted that EMU’s success would continue increasingly.