
Lab Policy

  • There will be no makeup for missed labs. 
  • If you cannot attend a lab for any reason, you should contact the lab assistant beforehand so that you can present your work.
  • If you miss 3 labs, your final lab grade will be 0 at the end of semester.
  • Lab grade is 10 points in total. This score (10 points) contains the score you will get from your PPM report and lab QUIZES.

Download Required Tools and Installation Guidelines fromhere. You can also download required tools from EMU CD Server.

Lab Schedule
Week 3
PPM, VBS, Gannt
Week 4
Pert, Crashing
Week 5
Week 6
PM Tools

Mid-Term Exam Period (11-26 April)
Week 12
Software Requirements
Week 13
UML Examples
Week 14
Test Cases
Final Exam Period (11-26 June)