Click here for MENG 446 lab handout
Spring 18-19 Quiz Dates:
Quiz 1: 05th April 2019, Friday at 09:30
Quiz 2: 17th May 2019, Friday at 09:30
Spring 18-19 Lab Dates:
Lab 1: 2-5th April 2019 (Please arrange the exact date with the assistant Gorkem Ozankaya)
Lab 2: 14-17th May 2019 (Please arrange the exact date with the assistant Gorkem Ozankaya)
Spring 18-19 Exp I Lab Handout
Spring 18-19 Exp II Lab Handout ( Lab II Handouts should be taken from the course assistant Gorkem Ozankaya before the scheduled laboratory day)
Spring 17-18 MENG 446 Final Grades
Attention: MENG446 Quiz 2 date is changed as 17 th May 2018 Thursday, 11:30 am due to the clash with another course's quiz!!!!!!!!!!
Spring 17-18 Midterm Grades
Important Notes:
Quiz Dates:
Quiz 1: 30th March 2018, Friday at 12:30
Quiz 2: 18th May 2018, Friday at 12:30
Lab Dates:
Lab 1: 4-6th April 2018 (Please arrange the exact date with the assistant Gorkem Ozankaya)
Lab 2: Take home experiment - Submission due 14th May 2018, Monday
NG Policy:
Students who do not attend mid-term exam+final exam+labs will be given NG.
Any appeal against the marks of any assessment component must be made to the course instructor within one week following the announcement of the marks. Any appeal concerning a semester grade must be made to the course instructor no later than the end of the registration period of the following semester.
There will be no make up for quizzes or labs. A student who fails to sit for an examination for a valid reason is given a make-up exam. Within three working days after the examination, students who wish to take a make-up must submit a written statement to the course instructor explaining the reason(s) for his/her request.
Course outline
Lecture Notes:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - ''Introduction to economical analysis of power systems''. There is no PPT presentation on this chapter. Please study the notes that you have taken during the lecture for preparing the exam.
Chapter 8
Lab Handouts:
Lab 1 - The Heat Engine Experiment Handout
Lab 2 - The Electric Steam Generator Take-Home Experiment Handout