Course Coordinator: Dr. Mehmet BODUR (Office CMPE107)
Course Assistant: Emre Rıfat YILDIZ (Office CMPE109, Phone 2849), Tansel SARIHAN (Office CMPE117, Phone 1627)
Spring 2018-19
BLGM/CMPE/CMSE100 Seminar Attendance
Dear Registered BLGM/CMPE/CMSE 100 Course Students,
This semester, we accomplished to present total fourteen seminars within our Course schedule at our Department Amphi. Among the registered population, 74.8 % has been managed to sign the attendance sheets of 6 or more seminars. I would like to thank to all students who enjoyed the seminars for their participation in such life-long learning events.
The number of seminars attended are already entered to portal for your final check. Please do not hesitate to convey your questions on missing or false reported attendances.
Dr. Mehmet Bodur 12-06-2019 .
Finalized List of Seminar Attendances
Student.ID | Seminars.Attended |
148136 | 1 |
15000067 | 2 |
15002119 | 6 |
15300021 | 6 |
15700177 | 0 |
16000070 | 6 |
16000074 | 2 |
16000095 | 5 |
16000098 | 0 |
16330513 | 0 |
16701215 | 8 |
17000048 | 8 |
17000068 | 7 |
17330104 | 2 |
17330152 | 7 |
17330154 | 6 |
17330156 | 7 |
17330159 | 6 |
17330174 | 6 |
17330184 | 6 |
17330572 | 6 |
17700180 | 8 |
17700240 | 6 |
17700463 | 6 |
17700984 | 7 |
17701061 | 7 |
17701192 | 6 |
17701247 | 6 |
17701278 | 0 |
17701466 | 7 |
17701469 | 1 |
17701518 | 0 |
17701673 | 6 |
17701807 | 7 |
17701907 | 5 |
17702049 | 9 |
18000026 | 8 |
18000027 | 6 |
18000028 | 6 |
18000030 | 4 |
18000051 | 3 |
18000053 | 6 |
18000058 | 6 |
18000060 | 6 |
18000061 | 6 |
18300073 | 1 |
18330609 | 6 |
18330675 | 4 |
18330679 | 6 |
18330683 | 6 |
18330688 | 5 |
18330690 | 6 |
18330739 | 2 |
18330741 | 7 |
18330747 | 7 |
18330750 | 7 |
18330751 | 7 |
18330752 | 7 |
18330756 | 7 |
18330757 | 8 |
18330759 | 8 |
18330761 | 7 |
18450079 | 6 |
18450080 | 6 |
18700058 | 7 |
18700097 | 11 |
18700130 | 6 |
18700143 | 6 |
18700186 | 6 |
18700194 | 2 |
18700237 | 6 |
18700307 | 6 |
18700323 | 6 |
18700331 | 3 |
18700368 | 6 |
18700369 | 5 |
18700372 | 6 |
18700398 | 7 |
18700399 | 0 |
18700406 | 7 |
18700424 | 2 |
18700426 | 6 |
18700432 | 7 |
18700492 | 6 |
18700497 | 9 |
18700502 | 10 |
18700511 | 8 |
18700512 | 7 |
18700518 | 7 |
18700528 | 6 |
18700537 | 7 |
18700578 | 5 |
18700581 | 8 |
18700600 | 7 |
18700619 | 8 |
18700628 | 9 |
18700695 | 10 |
18700697 | 6 |
18700729 | 6 |
18700741 | 9 |
18700776 | 7 |
18700777 | 6 |
18700824 | 6 |
18700859 | 7 |
18700889 | 6 |
18700895 | 0 |
18700919 | 5 |
18700924 | 2 |
18701026 | 6 |
18701069 | 6 |
18701094 | 9 |
18701114 | 10 |
18701158 | 4 |
18701164 | 6 |
18701210 | 9 |
18701234 | 9 |
18701240 | 7 |
18701301 | 8 |
18701340 | 8 |
18701348 | 8 |
18701368 | 6 |
18701388 | 7 |
18701404 | 6 |
18701418 | 5 |
18701429 | 6 |
18701440 | 6 |
18701477 | 2 |
18701525 | 8 |
18701526 | 3 |
18701547 | 0 |
18701558 | 6 |
18701584 | 7 |
18701591 | 4 |
18701634 | 7 |
18701674 | 1 |
18701677 | 9 |
18701695 | 0 |
18701710 | 6 |
18701731 | 8 |
18701736 | 7 |
18701739 | 6 |
18701748 | 8 |
18701768 | 6 |
18701831 | 1 |
18701847 | 6 |
18701850 | 7 |
18701895 | 6 |
Seminar Schedule
1 Welcome Speech, and
Information about our Department, and our Curriculum
Date and Place:
CMPE-Amphi, Wednesday 13.03.2019, at14:30
Presented by:
Prof.Dr. H. Işık Aybay,
(Chair of CMPE, CMSE, BLGM Dept.)
2 ABET Accreditation: Expectations, Benefits, Responsibilities
Date and Place: Wednesday, 20.03.2019, 14:30, at CMPE-Amphi
Presented by: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeki Bayram,
(Chair of ABET Committee for CMPE, and CMSE Programs)
3 Selected TEDx Presentations:
Date and Place: CMPE Amfi, Çarşamba, 27 Mart 2019, saat 14:30
The greatest machine that never was
Speaker: Dr. John Graham-Cumming, ( Programmer at CloudFlare, PhD: Computer Security, University of Oxford).
ii) The_birth_of_the_computer
Speaker: George Dyson, ( History of Science Expert).
Big Data ve Önemi (Ekstra: 7. Uluslararası Kariyer Günleri)
Yer ve Saat: CMPE Amfi, Cuma, 27 Mart 2019, saat 14:30 Konuşmacı: Emre Gökoğlu, (Senior Database Admin, AKBANK İstanbul).
Applications of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Business World (ACM Student Chapter)
Place and Date (Yer ve Tarih): CMPE Amphi, Friday (Cuma) 3 Nisan 2019; 14:30 .
Speaker: Emrah Mete, (Turkcell, YTU, Bilgisayar Müh. Böl.)
E. Mete completed his BS degree on Computer Engıneering at Yıldız Teknik Univ, Istanbul, and currently studying MS at Özyeğin Univ. Computer Eng. on AI and Data Science, while working at Turkcell as senior solution architect, and machine learning engineer. He shares his projects on his personal blog. He achieved the title of being Oracle ACE and SQL Developer of the Year.
Test Mühendisliği Nedir? (Ekstra: 7. Uluslararası Kariyer Günleri)
Yer ve Saat: CMPE Amfi, Cuma, 27 Mart 2019, saat 13:30
Konuşmacı: Alper Saltık, (Kıdemli Test Mühendisi)
(KKTCELL, Saha Bilgi Teknolojileri, 2015 CMPE Mezunu, Bölüm ikincisi).
IT Dünyasında Yeni Teknolojiler / New Technologies and Digital Transformation
Time and Place (Yer ve Saat): 29 Nisan 2019 14:00, CMPE Amphi Presenter (Konuşmacı): Gültekin ERDEN, (Turkcell)
Çevik yaklaşımda Liderlik / Management & Leadership of the Agile Organisation
Time and Place (Yer ve Saat): 29 Nisan 2019 15:30, CMPE Amphi.
Presenter (Konuşmacı): Cihan YILDIZ, (Turkcell)
Application of Machine Learning in Medical Field (Ekstra: ACM Student Chapter)
Time and Place (Yer ve Saat): 3 May 2019 14:30, CMPE Amphi.
Presenter (Konuşmacı):
Dr. Hasan Sari, (MIT, Boston)
4 The mind behind Linux
Date and Place: CMPE-Amphi, Wednesday 8.05.2019, at14:30
Presented by: Linus Torvalds (multimedia)
5 A New kind of Science
Date and Place: CMPE-Amphi, Wednesday 15.05.2019, at14:30
Presented by: Dr. Stephan Wolfram , Computer Scientists, Inventer of Symbolic Manipulator Programming (SMP), Symbolic Algebraic Programming (Mathematica), NAND equivalent of Boolean Algebra (Wolfram Axiom, which started "a New kind of Science"), a computational knowledge engine (Wolfram-alpha, used in SIRI and other NLP systems).
6 Date and Place: CMPE-Amphi, Wednesday 22.05.2019, at 14:30
... thinking_like_a_computer
Presented by: Prof.Dr. Thomas Griffiths (UCLA Berkley),
... human computer organization
Presented by: Dr. Shyam Sankar (Director at Palantir Technologies.)
Computers versus Brain
Date and Place: CMPE Amfi, Çarşamba, 29 May 2019, 14:30
Speaker: Prof.Dr. Kwabena Boahen (Stanford Univ.)
Big Data Dystopia
Date and Place: CMPE Amfi, Çarşamba, 29 May 2019, 15:30
Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Tufekci (Univ. of North Carolina)
Course Description and Policies:
Course Description: A series of seminars are held in current topics and areas of specialization in Computer Engineering. Speakers are invited from different departments of EMU including Computer Engineering Department or other International Universities, Industry and Consulting firms, to deliver seminars in all aspects of engineering that are not normally covered in the lecture courses.
Course Policies: There will be total eight seminars carried in either CMPE-Amphi on Wednesday at 14:30, or announced extra seminars which are carried on other days of the week. A student who attends total six or more seminars will get passing grade (S) at the end of semester. Please note that, your medical reports and excuse letters from rectors office can not be considered as attendence. In case of such situations, you shall attend to the extra seminars to complete number of your attendance signatures to six.
Ders Tanımı ve Kuralları
Ders Tanımı: Bilgisayar mühendisliğinin güncel ve özel alanlarına giren seminerler verilmektedir. Konuşmacılar, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü de dahil olmak üzere DAÜ'nün farklı bölümlerinden, uluslararası üniversitelerden, endüstriden gelmekte ve derslerde işlenmeyen konulardan sunumlar yapmaktadırlar.
Ders Kuralları: CMPE Anfisinde derse ayrılan saatlerde (Çarş.14.30) ve yanısıra duyurulan ders saati haricindekilerle birlikte toplam sekiz düzenli seminer yapılması planlanmaktadır. Dönem boyunca en az altı seminer katılan öğrenciler geçer not olan S ile değerlendirilir. Altı semineri tamamlayamayan öğrenciler, giremedikleri seminerler için tıbbi rapor ile hastalıklarını belgeleseler, ya da rektörlükten görev yazısı getirseler bile kalır not olan U alacaklardır.