Catalogue Description
Basic concepts and definitions of thermodynamics. Properties of pure substances. The first law of thermodynamics for the closed and open systems. The second law of thermodynamics. Entropy. Second-Law analysis of engineering systems.
For course outline click here.
Lecture Material
Chapter 1 - Fundamentals
Chapter 2 - Pure Substances
Chapter 3 - First Law for Closed Systems
Chapter 4 - First Law for Control Volumes (Open Systems)
Chapter 5 - Second Law of Thermodynamics
Chapter 6 - Entropy
Extra slides on Entropy Balance
Grading Policy
Mid-Term Exam 30%
Final Exam 45 %
Labs 15 %
Quizes 10%
"NG" Policy
Students who DO NOT attend any two of the assessment activities (such as labs, mid-term exam,
etc.) and/or have an attendance below 70% will be given NG (Nil Grade). Students who fail the labs will also get NG.
Lab Sheets
Click on the following links to download the lab sheets of experiments:
Class of Fall 2019-2020