Prof. Işık AYBAY received his PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey in 1989. He was appointed as Assistant Professor in 1990 at the same department. He was a member of METU Engineering Faculty Administrative Council between 1990 and 1993.
Prof. Aybay was a Fulbright Scholar for graduate studies and a teaching and research assistant in the U.S.A., between 1981 and 1984, at the Department of Computer Science, State University of New York at Stony Brook.
In 1994, he was appointed as the Chairman of the Computer Engineering Department of EMU, North Cyprus. He served for 10 years as the chairman, developed the infrastructure and the academic program, started the MS and PhD programs. He was appointed as Associate Professor in October 2007, and as Professor in October 2013. He was appointed as the Chairman of EMU Computer Engineering Department for the second time between September 2013 and January 2023. He is currently teaching at the same department as a Distinguished Professor.
Prof. Aybay played an active role in establishing the Gazimagosa (GMTGB) Science Park from 1999 until January 2012, as its Secretary General. In 2016, he was re-elected to the Executive Board and is currently serving again as the Secretary General.
Prof. Aybay has served as a member of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus e-Government Executive Board between1998-2009 and 2018 - 2019.
Prof. Aybay established the EMU Distance Education Institute in 2000, was its director until 2012, started blended online courses (EMUOnline), a two-year info. management degree program, and online MS programs in Tourism and Hospitality and Banking and Finance.
Prof. Aybay has directed or participated in 15 projects, including four projects supported by the European Union. He is currently the preoject co-coordinator for the Erasmus+ project Deep Farm on AI support for Intelligent Agriculture.
Prof. Aybay has published 80 papers to date, and graduated 3 PhD and 27 MS students.
His papers received 281 citations in Google Scholar and 67 citations in indexed Web-of-Science.
Email :
Last updated : January 7, 2025
Fulbright Scholarship for graduate studies in the U.S.A.,1981-1984, at the Department of Computer Science, State University of NewYork at Stony Brook.
Awards :
- First prize, 1973 National Project Contest of High School Research Projects,organised by the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey.
- Best Paper Presentation Award, the First National Electrical Eng. Congress,Adana, Turkey, 1985.
- Contribution to ISCIS Conferences Award,15th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Istanbul,Turkey, October 2000.
Professional experience :
Academic :
- Professor, Computer Engineering Department, Eastern MediterraneanUniversity, Magosa, North Cyprus, October 2013 -
- Associate Professor, Computer Engineering Department, Eastern MediterraneanUniversity, Magosa, North Cyprus, September 2007 - September 2013.
- Assistant Professor, Computer Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, Magosa, North Cyprus, September 1994 - September 2007.
- Assistant Professor, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY, 1990 - August1994.
- Instructor, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY, 1985 - 1989.
- Teaching and Research Assistant, Department of ComputerScience, State University of New York at Stony Brook, U.S.A., 1981 - 1984.
- Teaching Assistant, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY, 1978 - 1981.
Part-time jobs:
- Computer Software and Hardware Consultant, Turkish Military Electronics Corporation (ASELSAN), 1987 - 1994.
- System Analyst, Computer Systems Project of the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation,1986 - 1987.
Grants and Projects :
1. Project co-Manager, '@School - Computer Assisted Foreign Language Education', The European Commission, Schools' Initiative for Innovation and Change Program project, CRIS No. 2009/202-022, April 2009-2011.
2. Project Manager, '@Salamis -Computer and Internet Supported Foreign Language Education', BAP-A-08-03,EMU Scientific Research Project, September 15, 2008 - December 15, 2009.
3. Project Manager, 'Improving the Structure and Operation of Distance Education Institutions and Programs', MEKB-08-07,Turkish Republic of North Cyprus - Ministry of Education research project, December 2008 - February 2010.
4. Gazimagosa Technology Development Center (GMTGB), Secretary General, Science Park project, construction of the Incubator Building(2004-2005),management ofgrants for industrial projects and support for start-up companies (2006-2007).
5. Project co-Manager, 'E-Customs Project Feasibility Study and System Analysis', Ministry of Finance, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, EMU rotating fund project, January-May2003.
6. Eastern Mediterranean University, Science Park Project, Member of Executive Board, EMU Technology Development Centre, grant for academic projects (2001).
7. Project co-Manager, 'SouthAfrican Tourist Information System – Systems Analysis' for Kibris Zahara Ltd., EMU rotating fund project, September-November 2001.
8. MEDISAT, European CommissionFourth Framework INCO-DC project #961868, representative on behalf of theEastern Mediterranean University, 1999 - 2000.
9. 'Network Computer Against Exclusion' project, supervised by the University of Nice at Sophia-Antipolis, France, contact person representing Turkey and North Cyprus, 1998.
10. COST-247 joint European Research Project on 'Formal Techniques for Specification and Verification', Management Committee Member representing Turkey, 1993 - 1996.
11. Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council project: 'Yazilim#2' on Formal Description Techniques and Tools for Computer Communication Protocols, Research Associate,1992 - 1995.
12. Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council project '92-EEAG55' on Optical Character Recognition and Text Processing , Research Associate, 1992 - 1994.
13. Middle East Technical University Research Grant #93-03-01-01, 'Neuro-controller Trained by FuzzyLogic', Research Associate, 1993-1994t.
14. Project Manager, Turkish State Planning Organisation, 'Real-Time Expert System Development on Parallel Architectures Using High Level Languages' project, 1991- 1992.
15. Project Manager, 'Organisation of Continuing Education Courses on Programming Languages and Microprocessors' for the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation and Aliaga-PETKIM, METU, 1989 -1992.
Administrative Duties :
- Chairman, Department of Computer Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, September 1994 – January 2004, September 2013 - .
- Member of Administrative Board, North Cyprus, Gazimagosa Technology Development Region 2014 - 2015 .
- Director, Distance Education Institute, Eastern Mediterranean University, July 2001 - January 2013.
- Secretary General, North Cyprus, Gazimagosa Technology Development Region, 2005 - January 2012, June 2015 - .
- Member of KKTC-KAMUNET (TRNC Public Sector Network) Administrative Board, 1998 - 2009, 2018 - 2019.
- Acting Director, Distance Education Institute, Eastern Mediterranean University, March 2000 – July 2001.
- Member, Executive Board, Eastern Mediterranean University Technology Development Centre, 1999 - 2005.
- Founding Member, Administrative Board of the European Research and Information Centre, Eastern Mediterranean University, 1995 -2012.
- Member of the Senate, Eastern Mediterranean University, September 1994 - January 2013, September 2013 - .
- Member of the University Executive Board, Eastern Mediterranean University, July 2001 – October 2005, October 2007 - January 2013 .
- Assistant Professors' representative, Administrative Council of the Faculty of Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 1990 - 1993.
Extracurricular Activities :
Academic Advisor of the International Youth Association, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 1993 - 1994.
ProfessionalSocieties :
- Member, Electrical Engineers Chamber of Turkey, 1978- .
- Member, Turkish Informatics Association, 1978 - . (Administrative Board Member, 1979 - 1980 )
- Member, Turkish Cypriot Science and Technology Association, 2012 -.
- Student Member, IEEE, 1982 - 1983.
- Member, Middle East Technical University Faculty Association, 1990 - 1994. (Administrative Board Member, 1992 - 1993 )
- Member, Association for Logic Programming, 1991 - 1994.
- Member, EMU Faculty Union (DAU-SEN), 2004 - .
- 'Memory Aspects of Finite Automata Applied to VariableLength Codes', M.Sc. Thesis, Electrical Engineering Department, MiddleEast Technical University, Ankara, April 1980.
- 'A Set-Based Execution Model for Parallel Prolog',Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering Department, Middle East TechnicalUniversity, Ankara, September 1989.
- Calikoglu D., Aybay I., 'A Simulation System for Cellular Automata', Proceedingsof Informatics-80, pp. 70-72, Ankara, Turkey, April 1980. (in Turkish).
- Aybay I., Gonenc G., 'Application of Memory Aspects ofFinite Automata to Variable LengthCodes', Proceedings of Informatics-80, pp. 76-79, Ankara, Turkey, April1980. (in Turkish).
- Sayin E., AybayI., 'On the Electronics Industry', Bilisim Journal, No:14, pp. 35-36, 1981.(in Turkish).
- AybayI., 'Interval Temporal Logic in Hardware Design', Proceedings of the NationalElectrical Engineering Conference, pp.701-706, Adana, Turkey, 1985. (inTurkish).
- AybayI., 'A Prolog Compiler', Proceedings of the National Electrical EngineeringConference, pp.707-712, Adana, Turkey, 1985. (in Turkish).
- Aybay I., 'nMOS VLSI Design', Proceedings of Informatics-86,pp. 215-221, Ankara, Turkey, October 1986. (in Turkish).
- Aybay I., Baray M., 'An Execution Model for ParallelExecution of Prolog Programs', Proc. 2nd. Int'l Symp. on Computer and Information Sciences,pp. 313-326, Istanbul, Turkey, October1987.
- AybayI., 'Parallel Prolog', Proceedings of the 2nd National ElectricalEngineering Conference, pp.417-419, Ankara, Turkey, September 1987. (inTurkish).
- Selcuk S., Aybay I., 'A Prolog Processor', Proceedingsof Informatics-88, pp. 141-147, Eskisehir, Turkey, September 1988. (in Turkish).
- Baray M., Aybay I., 'Problems in Controlling ParallelExecution of Prolog Programs', Proc. 3rd. Int'l Symp. on Computerand Information Sciences, pp. 675-684, Izmir, Turkey, October 1988.
- Aybay I., Baray M., 'A Set-Oriented Execution Modelfor Parallel Prolog', extended abstract, Proc. ACM Computer Science Conference 1989, p. 401, Louisville, Kentucky,U.S.A., February 1989.
- Aybay I., Baray M., 'Some Problems Faced in ImplementingParallelProlog', extended abstract, Proc. ACM Int'l Symp. on Computer Architecture'89, Workshopon Architectural Support for Declarative Programming Languages, Eliat, Israel,May 1989.
- Aybay I., Baray M., 'A Set-based Parallel Prolog ExecutionModel : PPEM', Proceedings of the Third National Electrical EngineeringConference, pp.646-649, Istanbul, Turkey, September 1989. (in Turkish).
- Aybay I., Baray M., 'A Set-Based Model for ParallelProlog', Proc. 4th. Int'l Symp. on Computer and Information Sciences,Vol.2, pp. 751-757, Izmir, Turkey, October 1989.
- Selcuk S., Aybay I., 'A WAM-Based Sequential Prolog Processor',Proc. 4th. Int'l Symp. on Computer and Information Sciences, Vol.2, pp. 1191-1199,Izmir, Turkey, October 1989.
- Aybay I., Halici U., 'A Computer Engineering CurriculumProposal for the Turkish Universities', Proceedings of Informatics-90, pp.218-224, Ankara, Turkey, September 1990. (in Turkish).
- Basbugoglu O., Aybay I., 'A Dataflow Graph ExecutionModel for Prolog', Proc. 5th. Int'l Symp. on Computer and Information Sciences, Vol.1, pp. 43-52, Cappadocia,Turkey, October 1990.
- Aybay I., Baray M., 'An OR-Parallel and Restricted AND-Parallel,Non-backtracking Prolog Execution Model', Proc. 5th. Int'l Parallel ProcessingSymp., pp. 642-645, April 1991, Anaheim, California, U.S.A.
- Colakoglu C., Aybay I., 'Deadlock Detection in DistributedSystems', Proceedings of Bilkon-91, pp. 280-284, Ankara, Turkey, July 1991.(in Turkish).
- Aybay I., Kusdemir L., 'A Parallel Programming Environmentfor the Development of Real-time Expert Systems', Proceedings of the 4thNational Electrical Engineering Conference, Vol. 2, pp.508-511, Izmir, Turkey, September 1991. (in Turkish).
- Buyuksoy S., Baray M., Aybay I., 'Distributed Prologon a Hypercube Multicomputer', Proc. 6th. Int'l Symp. on Computerand Information Sciences, Vol. 2, pp. 747-756, Antalya, October 1991.
- Buyuksoy S., Baray M., Aybay I., 'Distributed Prologon a Hypercube Multicomputer with Restricted AND-Parallelism and Backtracking',Future Generation Computer Systems'92, Workshop on Future Directions ofParallel Programming and Architecture Proceedings (7 pages), Tokyo, Japan,June 1992.
- Basbugoglu O., Aybay I., 'Executing Prolog Programs withDataflow Approach', Proc. 1st. Turkish Artificial Intelligence and NeuralNetworks Symp., pp. 305-312, Ankara, June 1992.
- Sefer R., Aybay I., 'TOROS: A Distributed File Systemon a LAN', abstract, Proc. IFIP 12'th World Computer Congress, p. 116, Madrid,Spain, September 1992.
- Sefer R., Aybay I., 'A Distributed File System on a LocalArea Network : TOROS', Bilisim journal, pp.65-68, October 1992. (in Turkish).
- Buyuksoy S., Baray M., Aybay I., 'A Distributed PrologImplementation on a Hypercube Multicomputer', extended abstract, Joint Int'lConf. and Symp. on Logic Programming, Proc. Workshop on Distributed andParallel Implementations of Logic Programming Systems, pp. 18-19, WashingtonD.C., U.S.A., November 1992. (full text available from jws@dist.unige.itvia ftp).
- Halici E., Halici U., Aybay I., 'Legal Measures to PreventCopying of Software', Proceedingsof Informatics-93, pp.68-71, Istanbul, Turkey, September 1993. (in Turkish).
- Mirasoglu A., Aybay I., 'A Parallel Prolog Debugger',Proceedings of the 5th National Electrical Engineering Conference,Vol 1., pp.205-209, Trabzon, Turkey, September 1993. (in Turkish).
- Mirasoglu A., Aybay I., 'A Parallel Prolog Debugger',Proc. 8th. Int'l Symp. on Computer and Information Sciences,p. 536 (abstract), Istanbul, November 1993.
- Koksal M., Aydin O.N., Erol A., Buyukkokten F., HaliciU., Aybay I., Bircan T., 'HalDOC* Document Processing and Archiving System",Proc. 8th. Int'l Symp. on Computer and Information Sciences,p. 543 (abstract), Istanbul, November 1993.
- Basbugoglu O., Aybay I., 'Information Propagation Relationfor Efficient Debugging of Distributed Systems', Proc. 8th. Int'l Symp. on Computer and Information Sciences, Istanbul, November 1993.
- Buyukkokten F., Isikli O., Koksal M., Halici U., AybayI., 'Document Management in HALdoc', Proceedings of IEEE MELECON-94, Vol. 1, pp. 379-383, Antalya, Turkey, April 1994.
- Aybay I., 'New Techniques and a New Program Proposalfor Computer Engineering Education', Proceedings of the 6th NationalElectrical Engineering Congress, pp.1060-1063, Bursa, Turkey, October 1995.(in Turkish).
- Aybay I., Cetinkaya S., Halici U., 'Classification ofNeural Network Hardware', Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Computer and InformationSciences, pp. 739-746, Kusadasi, Turkey, November 1995.
- Aybay I., 'Architectures for Neural Networks', Journalof the Turkish Chamber of Electrical Engineers, Special Issue on NeuralNetworks, No. 325, pp. 127-132, 1995. (in Turkish).
- Aybay I., Cetinkaya S., Halici U., 'Classification ofNeural Network Hardware', Neural Network World, pp. 11-27, January 1996.
- Aybay I., Aybay Y., 'A Four-phase Distance EducationProject for Turkey', Proceedings of the 1st International DistanceEducation Symposium, on CD-ROM (abstract: p. 17 of the Book of Abstracts),Ankara, Turkey, November 1996.
- Cerkez C., Aybay I., Halici U., "A Digital Random NeuronRealization", Proceedings of the New Trends in Artificial Intelligence andNeural Networks Conference(TAINN'97), pp. 216-220, Ankara, Turkey, April1997.
- Cerkez C., Aybay I., Halici U., 'A Digital Neuron Realizationfor the Random Neural Network Model', Proc. of the IEEE-INNS Joint InternationalConference on Neural Networks, pp. 1000-1004, Houston, U.S.A., June 1997.
- Cerkez C., Aybay I., Halici U., 'A Digital Neuron Design',Proceedings of the 7th National Electrical Engineering Congress,pp.51-54, Ankara, Turkey,September 1997. (in Turkish).
- Halici U., Badaroglu M., Aybay I., Cerkez C., 'A DigitalRandom Neural Network Chip Design', Proceedings of NEUREL '97, pp. 78-83,Belgrade, Yugoslavia, September 1997.
- Badaroglu M., Halici U., Aybay I., Cerkez C., 'DigitalNeural Network Chip for the Random Neural Network Model with ProgrammableArchitecture', Proc. of the 12th International Symposium on Computerand Information Sciences, pp. 415-422, Antalya, Turkey, October 1997.
- Aybay I., Cerkez C., Halici U., Badaroglu M., 'HardwareImplementations of Neural Networks and the Random Neural Network Chip (RNNC),Proc. of the 13th International Symposium on Computer and InformationSciences, pp. 157-161, Antalya, Turkey, October 1998.
- Kostin A. , Aybay I., Oz G., 'A Paradigm of AlternatingSequential/Parallel Computation in a Distributed Memory System over a SharedTransmission Media", Proc. of the 13th International Symposiumon Computer and Information Sciences, pp. 342-351, Antalya, Turkey, October1998.
- Kostin A., Aybay I., Oz G., 'A Simple and Efficient Protocolof Load Balancing in Distributed Multiserver Queuing Systems', Proc. Ofthe 7th IASTED International Conference on Applied Informatics,pp. 474-476, Innsbruck, Austria, February 1999.
- Aybay I., Aybar H.S., Acan A., Bayindir S., Oral O.,'Establishing a Science and Technology Park in Northern Cyprus', Proc. ofthe 16th IASP World Conference on Science and Technology Parks,pp. 308-315, Istanbul, Turkey, September 1999.
- Aktun V., Aybay I., 'An Integrated Synchronised MultimediaDesign Tool : ISMUD', Proc. of the 14th InternationalSymposium on Computer and Information Sciences, pp. 549-556, Kusadasi, Turkey,October 1999.
- Lababidi H., Salamah M., Aybay I., 'Enhanced LayeringModel for MPEG-4 Transport over ATM', accepted to the 15thInternational Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, pp.288-294, Istanbul,Turkey, October 2000.
- Kostin A., Aybay I., Oz G., 'A Randomized Contention-basedLoad-balancing Protocol for a Distributed Multiserver Queueing System',Vol.11, No.12, pp. 1252-1273, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and DistributedSystems, December 2000.
- SarperH., Aybay I., 'Program Information, Network and Software Properties o fSome Online Education Programs', Proc. of the Sixth Computer Networks Symposium : BAS-2001, pp. 90-99, Magosa, North Cyprus, June 2001.
- Aybay I., 'Eastern Mediterranean University EMUOnline Experience',International Open and Distance Education Symposium, Eskisehir AnadoluUniversity, Eskisehir, May 2002. (in Turkish)
- Aybay I., Dag O.O., 'A Learning Management System Developed at theEastern Mediterranean University', Turkish Online Journal of EducationalTechnologies, Vol.2, No.2, April 2003. (
- Aybay I., 'Eastern Mediterranean University Distance EducationPrograms', Egitek-2003, Gazimagosa, May 2003. (in Turkish)
- Aybay I., 'Eastern Mediterranean University: Distance Education Programs' (in Turkish), Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technologies, Vol.3,No.2, April 2004.
- Aybay I., Abdulova V., 'A Learning Management System for Distance Education:EMU_LMSv2', (in Turkish) accepted for presentation at Egitek-2004,Sakarya, Turkey.
- Abdulova V. and AybayI., 'A Learning Management System for Online and Hybrid Distance Education: EMU_LMS v2', Proceedings of INISTA 2005, International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications, pp. 203-206, June 2005,Istanbul, Turkey.
- Aybay I., 'DistanceEducation Activities of Eastern Mediterranean University: 2000-2005', (in Turkish), invited talk, presented at the 5thInternationalEducational Technologies Symposium, September 2005, Sakarya, Turkey.
- Aybay I., 'A NewProject–based Approach With an Emphasis on Problem-solving for Teaching Software Engineering', Proceedings of the National Software Engineering Symposium UYMS'05, pp. 183-188, September 2005, Ankara, Turkey.
- Sarper H., Shah M.A.,Aybay I., 'Improving the Performance of Video Streaming Systems Using Video-locality and Distributed Redundant Hierarchy Servers', presented at the 20th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS2005), October 2005, Istanbul, Turkey, also published on pp. 50-62 in NewTrends in Computer Networks, Advances in Computer Science and Engineering Series by Imperial College Press, London, UK, 2005.
- Badakhshan M., Aybay I.'Enhanced Quiz Management Module for Learning Management Systems', Proceedings of the 6thInternational Educational Technologies Symposium, pp. 189-195, Gazimagosa, North Cyprus, April 2006.
- Abdulova V., Aybay I.'Handoff Prioritizing Schemes in Cellular Wireless Networks', Proceedings ofISCN'06, the 7thInternational Symposium on Computer Networks, pp.79-84, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2006.
- Waheeb M., Aybay I.,'ICVS: Intelligent Caching of Video Segments over IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN', Proceedings of the AMSE International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Vol. II, pp. 677-681, Konya, Turkey, August 2006.
- Aybay I., Abdulova V.,"Developing Learning Management Systems for Online and Hybrid Distance Education: EMU_LMS", Proceedings of IODL'2006, 2ndInternational Open and Distance Learning Symposium, pp. 385-392, Eskisehir, Turkey, September 2006.
- Sarper H., Aybay I.,"Improving VoD Performance with LAN Client Back-End Buffering," IEEE MultiMedia, vol.14, no.1, pp.48-60, Jan-Mar, 2007.
- Sarper H., Aybay I.,"A Video Locality Based Buffering System for VoDSystems", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 53, no. 4, pp.1521-1528, November 2007.
- Aybay I., Shah M.,"A Fault Tolerant Red-Hi Based Load Management Policyfor a Distributed Multimedia Streaming System", Proceedings of ISCN'08, pp.183-187, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2008.
- Badaroglu M., HaliciU., Aybay I., Cerkez C.,"A Cascadable Random Neural NetworkChip with Reconfigurable Topology", The Computer Journal, Vol.53, No. 3, pp-289-303, 2010.
- Aybay I., Alqaraleh S.,"Elimination ofRepeated Occurrences in Image Search Engines", Proceedings of ICAFS 2010,9th International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and SoftComputing, pp 145-149, Prague, Czech Republic, August 2010.
- Aybay I., 'From Online to BlendedE-learning Programs',Proceedings of IODL and ICEM2010, International Joint Conference and Media Days, pp. 111-117, Eskisehir, Turkey, October 2010.
- Abdulova V. and Aybay I.,'Predictive Mobile-oriented Channel Reservation Schemes in Wireless Cellular Networks",Wireless Networks, Vol.17. No.1, pp. 149-166, January 2011.
- Abdulova V. and Aybay I.,"APrioritized New Call Queuing Policy for Mutimedia Wireless CellularNetworks", Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 491-502,2011.
- Aybay I.,"Eastern MediterraneanUniversity Software Engineering Program and Computer Engineering / SoftwareEngineering double Major Program", (in Turkish) Proceedings of 5th NationalSoftware Engineering Symposium, pp. 229-233, Ankara, Turkey, September 2011.
- Aybay I.,"The EMUOnlineExperience: Advantages of Blended On-campus Online Courses", presented at UNED-ICDE International Conference, Madrid, Spain, March 2013.
- Aybay I.,"Advantages of On-campus,Online Blended Courses", Proceeding of (EADTU) The Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2013, pp. 31-38, Paris, October 2013.
- Abed A., Oz G. and Aybay I.,"Influence of mobility models on the performance of data dissemination androuting in wireless mobile ad hoc networks", Computers and Electrical Eng., Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 319-329, February 2014.
- Abdulova V. and Aybay I., "Simulation
Models of Call Admission
Control Schemes Using
GPSS", International Journal
of Electronics; Mechanical
and Mechatronics Engineering,
Vol. 3, No.
4, pp.(631-644), 2014.
- Abdulova V. and Aybay I., 'Performance Evaluation of Non-prioritized and Prioritized Call Admission Control Schemes in Wireless Cellular Networks", Wireless Personal Communications,Volume: 78, Issue: 1,pp. 69-84, September 2014.
- Shah, M.A. and Aybay I.,"Load management in a distributed multimedia streaming environment using a faulttolerant hierarchical system", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Vol 23: pp.1081 - 1097, June, 2015.
- Abdulova, V., Aybay I., "Performance Evaluation of Call Admission Control Schemes with New Call Reattempts in Wireless Cellular Networks", Wireless Personal Communications,Vol. 84, pp. 2859-2879, October 2015.
- Abdulova, V., Aybay I., "Prioritized New Call Threshold Policy for Wireless Cellular Networks", Wireless Personal Communications,Vol. 85, pp. 2549-2563, December 2015.
- Koru, B., Ulusoy,D.C., Aybay, I.,'Artificial Intelligence and Law: Expectations, Fears, and Future Directions', in Future of Digital Technology and AI in Social Sectors,, 2025.
1. Aybay I., 'Introduction to UNIX', Middle East Technical Univ., Electrical and Electronic Eng. Dept. technical report, Ankara, December1984, revised 1987.
2. Aybay I., Baray M., 'Unification in Parallel Prolog', Middle East Technical Univ., Electrical and Electronic Eng. Dept. technical report 88-1, Ankara, 1988.
3. Halici U., Aybay I., 'Lecture Notes on Data Structures', Middle East Technical Univ., Electrical and Electronic Eng. Dept. , Ankara, March 1989, revised 1992.
4. Aybay I., Halici U., 'Lecture Notes on Operating Systems', Middle East Technical Univ., Electrical and Electronic Eng. Dept. ,Ankara, April 1989, revised 1993.
5. Aybay I., 'Burroughs A9F email Tutorial', Middle East Technical Univ., Electrical and Electronic Eng. Dept. technical report 90-2,Ankara, 1990.
6. Aybay I., 'Parallel Logic Programming', Lecture Notes for the Summer School on Computer Architecture, Computational Models, and Their Implementations, MEDCAMPUS project Methodologies and Technologies for Distance Education in the Mediterranean, Cesme, 1994.
7. Aybay I., Bengisu M., editors, 'Cooperation Among Science Parks for International Projects', Proceedings of the Second Turkish Science Parks Meeting, October 2005, Magosa, North Cyprus (in Turkish).
Conference Organisation :
- Organizing Committee Member, Second Turkish Science Parks Meeting, October 2005, Gazimagosa, North Cyprus.
- Conference Co-chairman, Turkish Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks Conference: TAINN-2001, and the 6thComputerNetworks Symposium : BAS-2001, Gazimagosa, North Cyprus.
- Organising Committee Co-chairman of the International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences: ISCIS-9, 1994.
- Member, Organising Committee of ISCIS-7, 1992, and ISCIS-8, 1993.
- Member, Program Committee of ISCIS-8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15:1993, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
- Member, Program Committee of Turkish Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks Conferences, 1994, 1995, 1996,1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001.
- Member, Scientific Committee of the 2ndInternational Symposium on Distance Education, 1998.
- Member, Advisory Committee of the International Symposium on Educational Technologies, 2003, 2004.
- Member, Program Committee of the International Symposium on Educational Technologies, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006.
- Member, Organizational Committee of the International Symposium on Educational Technologies, 2005.
- Member, Program Committee of the International Symposium on Computer Networks, 2008.
- Member, Program Committee of the Internet in Turkey (INET-TR) Conferences, latest one in 2018.
- Member, Program Committee of the Academic Computing (AB) Conferences, latest one in 2018.
JournalRefereeing :
1. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
2. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
3.Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences
4. Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences
5. International Journal of Communication Systems
Theses Supervised :
1. SARPER, Hasan, 'A LAN Client Back-end Buffering System Design for Improving the Performance of Video on Demand Systems', PhD. in Computer Eng., Eastern Mediterranean University, September 2006.
2. ABDULOVA, Vassilya, 'Prioritized New Call Queuing Policy for Call Admission Control Schemes in Wireless Cellular Networks', PhD. in Computer Eng., Eastern Mediterranean University, November 2010.
3. SHAH, Mohammed A., 'Distributed Continuous Media Streaming Using Redundant Hierarchy Servers', PhD. in Computer Eng., Eastern Mediterranean University, January 2014.
- URAL, Aynur, 'Final Code Generator for a SOPOSE Compiler', M.Sc. in Electricaland Electronic Eng., Middle East Technical University, September 1987.
- GURSOY, Atilla, 'A Parallel Prolog Emulator', M.Sc. in Computer Science, BilkentUniversity, July 1988. (co-supervised with Prof. Mehmet Baray).
- SELCUK, Serif, 'Design of a Prolog Processor', Electrical and Electronic Eng., Middle East Technical University, February1989.
- BASBUGOGLU, Osman, 'A Dataflow Model for Prolog', Electrical and Electronic Eng., Middle East Technical University, November1989. (this thesis was selected as the Best Thesis of the Year, and gotthe 'Erol Gelenbe' Award in 1990).
- DIKMECI, Y. Erdem, 'A Software Development Environment for Screen Design and Database Applications',M.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Eng., Middle East Technical University,December 1991.
- SEFER, Recep, 'Distributed File System on a Local AreaNetwork', M.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Eng., Middle East TechnicalUniversity, June 1992.
- BUYUKSOY, Sabri, 'Distributed Prolog on a Hypercube Multicomputer with Restricted-AND Parallelism and Backtracking', M.Sc. in ComputerScience, Bilkent University, July 1992.(co-supervised with Prof. MehmetBaray).
- COLAKOGLU, Ciler, 'Deadlock Detection in Distributed Computer Systems', M.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Eng., Middle EastTechnical University, September 1992.
- BAHCEKAPILI, Kemal, 'An MC68000-based Message HandlingSystem', M.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Eng., Middle East TechnicalUniversity, August 1993.
- YULEK, F. Bilal, 'A Debugging Tool for Transputers', M.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Eng.,Middle East Technical University, September 1994.
- OZTOPRAK, Yalcin, 'A Network Interface Card for ECBBus Communications with TCP/IP', M.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Eng.,Middle East Technical University, September 1994.
- CERKEZ, Cuneyt, 'ADigital Neuron Realization for the Random Neural Network Model', M.Sc. inElectrical and Electronic Eng., Eastern Mediterranean University, September1996.
- AZMI, Raza Hussain, 'Alternating Parallel/SequentialComputations on a LAN of PC's with PVM', M.Sc. in Computer Eng., EasternMediterranean University, July 1999. (co-supervised with Dr. Alexander Kostin).
- GORKAN, Ozlem, 'Multimedia Traffic Performance Studiesof the EMU Internet Connections', M.Sc. in Computer Eng., Eastern MediterraneanUniversity, September 2000.
- SARPER, Hasan, 'Distance Education at the University Level : Examples,Models and the EMU-Online Experience', M.Sc. in Computer Eng., Eastern MediterraneanUniversity, September 2001.
- DAG, Osman Oguz, 'Distance Education Toolbox', M.Sc. in Computer Eng., Eastern MediterraneanUniversity, September 2002.
- SHAH, Mohammed A., 'An Approach to Enhance Efficiency of Streaming Media Using Distributed Continuous Media Servers', September 2003.
- KILIC, Ridvan, 'A Study on Streaming Video Communication with Internet Protocol version 6', M.Sc. in Computer Eng., Eastern Mediterranean University, September 2004.
- ABDULOVA, Vassilya, 'Handoff Channel Allocation Mechanisms in Cellular Wireless Networks', M.Sc. in Computer Eng., Eastern Mediterranean University, September 2005.
- WAHEEB, Maheer, 'Improving the System Efficiencyof Video on Demand over IEEE 802.11 (Wireless LAN)', M.Sc. in Computer Eng., Eastern Mediterranean University, September 2006.
- ALQARALEH, Saed, 'Elimination of Repeated Occurrences in Image Search Engines', M.Sc. in Computer Eng., Eastern Mediterranean University, January 2011.
- BINA, Nima, 'Implementation of a LAN Client Back-end Buffering System', M.Sc. in Computer Eng., Eastern Mediterranean University, January 2012.
- SHOKRI KALAN, Reza, 'Improving Video-on-Demand Performance by Multi-channel/Multicast Approach in Wireless Networks', M.Sc. in Computer Eng., Eastern Mediterranean University, January 2013.
- FALAHATRAFTAR, Farnoosh, 'Improving Video-on-Demand Performance by Prefetching', M.Sc. in Computer Eng., Eastern Mediterranean University, June 2013.
- CHIZARI, Kaveh R., 'An E-learning system for Digital Photography', M.Sc. in Computer Eng., Eastern Mediterranean University, January 2014.
- AMINTABAR, Amin H., 'A Simulation Study for Video-on-Demand Systems', M.Sc. in Computer Eng., Eastern Mediterranean University, January 2015.
- KAMKAR, Kaveh, 'A Comparison of Pedestrian Mobility Prediction Schemes in Wireless Cellular Networks', M.Sc. in Computer Eng., Eastern Mediterranean University, February 2015.
Ph.D. Theses Being Supervised :
Begum Koru - Post-qualifier stage (Computer Science and Law)