Personal Info

Name:Önsen TOYGAR
Date of Birth:May 1976
Place of Birth:Gazimağusa, T.R.N.C.
Nationality:Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
Marital Status:Married
Postal Address:Department of Computer Engineering,Faculty of Engineering, Gazimağusa, T.R.N.C
Office Tel:+ 90 392 630 2848
Fax:+90 392 3650711

Main Areas of Interest

1. Biometrics

2. Computer Vision

3. Image Processing


1.      B.S. in Computer Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimagusa, T.R.N.C., June 1997

2.      M.S. in Computer Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimagusa, T.R.N.C., September 1999

3.      Ph.D in Computer Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimagusa, T.R.N.C., September 2004


1.      Placed on the high honour lists of the academic semesters of undergraduate study.

2.      Placed on the high honour and honour lists of all the academic semesters of graduate study.

3.      Placed on the high honour lists of the academic semesters of PhD study.

MS and PhD Thesis

MS Thesis: Solution of University Course Timetabling Problem With Genetic Algorithms, September 1999.

PhD Thesis: Fast and Efficient Face Recognition Through a Divide-and-Conquer Approach Implemented as a Multiple Classifier System, September 2004.  


1. Top Peer Reviewer in the Global Peer Review Awards 2019, powered by Publons - Web of Science (Top 1% of reviewers in Cross-Field). 

2. Research Incentive Awards of EMU in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.

3. Citation Awards of EMU in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.

4. Best paper award in SIP2009 Conference (8th WSEAS Int.Conf. on SIGNAL PROCESSING (SIP '09))

Work Experience

1) Academic Experience

1. Professor in Computer Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University,

from August 16, 2021 to present.

2. Associate Professor in Computer Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University,

from October, 2015 to August 15, 2021.

3.  Vice Chair of Compter Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University,

from September 19, 2011 to 2013 January.

4.  Assistant Professor in Computer Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University,

from August 1, 2007 to October 2015.

5.  Visiting Assistant Professor in Computer Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University,

from September 15, 2005 to July 31, 2007.

6.      Senior Instructor (Doctor) in Computer Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University,

from September 15, 2004 to July 31, 2005.

7.   Research Assistant in Computer Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University,

from March 1, 1999 to September 15, 2004.

2) Teaching Experience

     A) University Courses:

1. Click "Teaching" site on the left menu to see the courses taught…

2.  Supervised many Graduation Projects for Computer Engineering and Software Engineering students starting from 2004-2005 Fall semester to present in which many of them are selected as the best graduation project.

     B) Public Courses:

1.      A Turkish course including “MS-DOS, Windows 95, Word, Excel, Network and Internet” subjects were taught to secondary school teachers, at Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimagusa, K.K.T.C., June 10, 1998 – July 1, 1998.

2.      A Turkish course including “Windows 98, Word, Excel and Internet” subjects were taught, at Computer Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimagusa, K.K.T.C., firstly in August 1999, then in February 2000 and July 2000.

3) Professional Experience

1.      Installation, Management and Supervisory works of some Novell Netware Servers of Eastern Mediterranean University academic and administrative units, in Computer Center of Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimagusa, K.K.T.C., 1 September 1996 – 5 November 1996.

2.      System Analyst and System Programmer, Analysis, Design, Implementation and Programming of Software programs for The Eastern Mediterranean University academic and administrative units and government organizations, in Computer Center of Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimagusa, K.K.T.C., 1 September 1997 – 28 February 1999.

4) Summer Training

1.      Analysis, Design and Implementation of ASELSAN Library Periodicals Subsystem, in ASELSAN, Macunkoy, Ankara, TURKIYE, 3 July 1995 – 28 July 1995.

2.      Fundamentals of Internetwork design and management, Ethernet Technology, Installing Novell NetWare 4.1, in ERENET, Mecidiyekoy, Istanbul, TURKIYE, 5 August 1996 – 30 August 1996.

5) Committee Memberships:

1. Academic Evaluation Board (ADEK) member of Eastern Mediterranean University for Engineering discipline in April 2024 to present.

2. Research Advisory Board (ADK) member as Engineering Faculty Representative of Eastern Mediterranean University in March 2019 to present.

3. Graduate Committee chair of Computer Engineering Department in 2015-2016 Fall semester to present.

4. Curriculum Committee member of Computer Engineering Department in 2013-2014 Fall semester to 2015-2016 Spring semester.

5. Promotion Committee member of Engineering Faculty in 2013/2014 Spring semester.

6. Curriculum Committee chair of Computer Engineering Department in 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 academic years.

7. Graduate Committee member of Computer Engineering Department in 2011-2012 Fall semester to 2014/2015 Spring semester.

8. Lab Facilities Committee member of Computer Engineering Department in 2011-2012 Fall and Spring semesters.

9.. Alumni Tracking Committee member of Engineering Faculty in 2007-2008 Spring semester.

10. Summer Training Committee chair of Computer Engineering Department in 1999-2000 Spring semester and from . 2004-2005 Fall to Spring 2010-2011.

11. Social Committee member of Computer Engineering Department in 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 Fall and Spring semesters.