10.01.2025. Final Exam 06.01.2025 results are posted in the portal. You can see your papers on Monday, 13.01.2025, 13.00-13.30, CMPE-219. Solutions to the FE are here
03.01.2024. CMSE-520 Final Exam will be on January 6, 16.30, CMPE-034
26.12.2024. CMSE-520 Final Exam will be held on January 6, Monday, 16.30. It will be comprehensive covering all the semester material: before MT Exam subjects ( 1) Lecture 1. Software Evolution & Maintenance Concepts, 2) Lecture 2. Taxonomy of Software Maintenance and Evolution, and 3) Lecture 3. Reengineering (p. 1-22; Section 5 and the rest is not included)) with 33 points out of 100, and after MT Exam subjects ( 1) Lecture 3. Reengineering (Sections 5 and 6); 2) Lecture 4. Impact Analysis; and 3) Lecture 5 Refactoring) with 67 points out of 100. Five A4-sized cheat sheets with your own handwritings may be used for your help. Calculators, telephones, other electronic devices are not allowed
22.11.2024. MT Exam 18.11.2024 grades are availabe in the portal.The papers can be checked on Monday, 25.11.2024, 8.30-8.45. CMPE-026. Solutiona are here
07.11.2024. CMSE520 MT Exam will be on November 18, 2024, 16.30, CMPE128
28.10.2024 CMSE520 Term Project Step 1 assignment is posted in Teams, due date is October 31, 2024.
MT Exam is expected to be held on Monday, November 18, 2024, 16.30. It will cover the following material: 1) Lecture 1. Software Evolution & Maintenance Concepts, 2) Lecture 2. Taxonomy of Software Maintenance and Evolution, and 3) Lecture 3. Reengineering (p. 1-22; Section 5 and the rest is not included). Three A4-sized cheat sheets with your own handwritings may be used for your help. Calculators, telephones, other electronic devices are not allowed
04.10.2024. Term Project subject submission deadline is shifted from October 7, 2024, to October 9, 2024
04.10.2024. Dear Students, it is a reminder on the selection of the CMSE520 Term project topic and team-mates deadline October 7, 2024. You can inform me by e-mail or Teams indicating: Subject, Student Ids, Student Names