*Assignment Stage 1: %10 (Create Ontology on Protégé editor +Presentation) will be
Week 7: 06 November 2018 -> 04 December 2018
*Assignment Stage 2: %10 (Create Rules by using SWRL/SQWRL +Presentation) will be
Week 8: 13 November 2018 -> 04 December 2018
*Assignment Stage 3: %15 (Coding "An Ontology Parser/Inferencing Engine" with Java by using OWL API & a Pellet Reasoner API & SWRLAPI + Presentation) will be Week 13: 25 December 2018
*Assignment Stage 4: %15 (Final Report (article format) + Presentation) will be
Week 14: 27 December 2018
Students will prepare an article report and demonstrate/run their program. The article format will be IEEE Word format